
Chili peppers have good market prospects. How to plant pollution-free chili peppers?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chili peppers have good market prospects. How to plant pollution-free chili peppers?

Chili peppers are highly spicy, excellent in quality and resistant to storage. they are deeply loved by people and have a good market. First, the editor will introduce the open-air pollution-free cultivation techniques of small chili peppers.

Chili pepper

Selection of varieties. Japanese Chaotian pepper varieties with strong disease resistance, heat resistance, strong spicy taste, medium fruit type, thick meat quality and good yield were selected.

The right time to sow. Select sandy soil with deep soil, rich and soft soil and good drainage to plant chili peppers in the open air. It can be cultivated in both spring and summer. Spring cultivation, sowing pepper seedlings in a small arch shed in early January, planting in late April, harvest and listing is from late June to early frost. Summer cultivation, sowing pepper seedlings in a small arch shed in February, planting in early May, harvesting and listing is from early July to autumn frost.

Sow seeds and raise seedlings. 20 days before sowing, nutrient soil was prepared according to the proportion of 60% of garden soil without eggplant fruit vegetables, 30% of mature sifted stable fertilizer and 10% of plant ash. 100 kg of nutrient soil was needed per mu of pepper seedling bed. 25 ml formalin and 3 kg water were sprayed with nutritious soil and sealed with film for 2 days for disinfection. The seedbed was watered with enough bottom water, covered with a layer of nutritious soil, sown, and then covered with a layer of nutritious soil with the thickness of 1cm. The amount of pepper seeds used in each mu of field was 50g to 75g. After sowing, the seedbed was covered with plastic film and covered with a small arch shed covered with plastic film and grass. Before emergence, the seedling bed temperature of pepper was kept at 30 ℃ during the day and 18: 20 ℃ at night. Let the pepper seedlings see as much light as possible on the basis of ensuring that the pepper seedlings will not be frozen. After the seedlings, choose a sunny day. Each mu of field seedbed was sprayed with 10 ml Kangkuling 9 kg water and 20% virus A600 times for 2 times for 3 times to control seedling diseases. The seedlings were properly refined 5-7 days before planting, and the bed temperature was kept at 15: 25 ℃ during the day and 8: 15 ℃ at night.

Land preparation and planting. Pepper seedlings were planted in sandy soil with deep soil, fertile and soft soil and good drainage. After the previous harvest, turn the land 20 to 30 centimeters deep to bask in the sun. Half a month before planting, each mu was ploughed into the soil, leveled and ridged with the application of 5000 / 6000 kg of rotten heap manure, 2500 / 3000 kg of human and animal manure, 30 / 50 kg of compound fertilizer, 40 / 50 kg of calcium superphosphate and 10 / 15 kg of potassium chloride. High ridge cultivation, ridge bottom width 40-50 cm, ridge height 20 cm, 4 ridges 1 drainage ditch, long ridge 20-30 meters apart 1 horizontal trench. The ground temperature of chili pepper cultivated in open field in spring was more than 10 ℃ after the frost was broken. Hole planting, hole depth 8 cm 10 cm, 1 row per ridge, plant spacing 30 cm 35 cm, planting 3000 trees per mu. Spring planting chooses sunny day and afternoon, planting while watering, and summer planting on cloudy day.

Field management. Water frequently after planting to keep the soil dry and wet. Combined watering and topdressing for 5-7 times. When the heart leaf begins to grow and the new root of pepper occurs, the dilute dung water is the best to apply live plant fertilizer. When the pepper began to set fruit, the seedling fertilizer was applied, and the urea was applied to 7kg / mu. After that, stable seedling fertilizer was applied once per harvest or every 7-10 days, and urea was applied 10-13 kg per mu to promote plant stable growth and prolong fruiting period. After planting live plants, chili peppers are often ploughed to weed and cultivate soil, with a depth of 5cm to 7cm. The root of hot pepper should be ploughed shallow and ploughed deeply between rows. After the pepper was closed, only weeds were pulled out and not ploughed, so as not to damage the root system and pepper plants.

Harvest. Harvest chili peppers in time when they are red.