
Causes and control measures of pig diseases in autumn and winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes and control measures of pig diseases in autumn and winter

Live pig

In autumn and winter, due to poor feeding and management, pigs are often prone to respiratory and digestive tract diseases such as cough, asthma and diarrhea, which slightly affect the growth and development of pigs and seriously cause death.

Cause of disease

1. Hot summer plague virus remains in the pig body, which continues to haunt pigs. The physique of pigs that have just endured the hot summer is still very weak. Some pathogenic microbes take advantage of the opportunity to live in pigs, making pigs in a state of sub-health.

two。 There is a large temperature difference between day and night in autumn and winter, the weather is changeable, cold and hot, pigs are easy to catch a cold as the inducement, leading to other diseases or a variety of mixed infections.

3. With the cooler weather, the relative increase of mosquitoes and flies in the pigsty, mosquitoes and flies affect the rest of pigs, spread pathogens, and increase the probability of disease.

4. Feed mycotoxin accumulates in pigs since summer, which damages the immune system of pigs, causes immunosuppression and decreases the disease resistance of pigs.

Precautionary measures

1. Electrolytic multi-dimensional was added to pig feed, especially VC, VA and VE, to reduce all kinds of stress and enhance disease resistance of pigs.

two。 Kill mosquitoes and flies in pig houses, drive out parasites in and out of pigs, and cut off the transmission of diseases caused by parasites and insects.

3. Do a good job of heat preservation and ventilation, remove harmful gases and dust from the pigsty, ensure a suitable environment for pig survival, and ensure a stable environment and fresh air.

4. Strict disinfection, so that every time a thorough disinfection, kill the external pathogenic microorganisms.

5. Scientific immunization, targeted vaccination of pigs, should be exempted, prevent leakage immunity, and standardize the immune operation to ensure the quality of immunity.

6. Give priority to Chinese herbal medicine, supplemented by antibiotics, and regularly carry out drug prevention and health care according to the dose and course of treatment to prevent the abuse of antibiotics.

7. Timely isolation and treatment of suspected diseased pigs, early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment and early disposal, and "four-no-one treatment (no sale, no slaughter, no transport, no abandonment, harmless treatment)" for all dead pigs. Different groups of sick pigs and healthy pigs are mixed to prevent contact and spread. Closed management of large-scale farms (residential areas), strictly prohibit the entry and exit of outsiders and vehicles, reduce the flow of pigs, adopt full-in and all-out feeding mode, and purchase live pigs should be strictly quarantined and quarantined and observed for more than one month before confirming their health.