
How to use cactus to treat many kinds of livestock and poultry diseases

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to use cactus to treat many kinds of livestock and poultry diseases


Cactus, also known as divine cactus, dragon tongue, overlord, Guanyin thorn, etc., cold, bitter taste, with the effect of invigorating qi and activating blood, clearing away heat and detoxification, detumescence and pain. Cactus can treat bacillary dysentery, viral enteritis, lung heat cough, endometritis and other diseases, external application can treat mastitis, blister, carbuncle, sores, scald and other inflammation, in addition, it also has obvious curative effect on eczema, pruritus, snakebite and scald.

1. Cure cow disease

1.1 to treat calf heatstroke, 200g cactus was removed and mashed, 60g raw gypsum was ground into fine powder, 100g leek was mashed, 10g salt was added, mixed in vegetable leaves and served.

1.2 treatment of bovine high fever. 200g cactus was crushed, 60g raw gypsum was ground into fine powder, 120g mung beans were ground, mixed with proper amount of corn flour, wrapped with vegetable leaves and fed, one dose a day for 2 or 3 doses.

1.3 to treat bovine pneumonia. 150g of cactus was mashed, 60g of plantain root was mashed, mixed with proper amount of corn flour, wrapped with vegetable leaves and served, once a day for 4 days.

1.4 treatment of bovine enteritis and diarrhea. 150g cactus was mashed, 50g Houttuynia cordata, 50 g peeled garlic and 50g cornmeal were mashed together, mixed with vegetable leaves, 1 dose a day, 2 ~ 3 doses in a row.

1.5 to treat dairy cow mastitis. External application of cactus in the early stage and febrile period of dairy cow mastitis has a good effect on relieving breast swelling, pain, burning and other symptoms. The method is to remove the cactus, mash the skin, add the aged vinegar and mix it into a paste, spread it on the gauze, and then apply the paste to the areola. Wait for the cactus paste to dry before changing the paste.

2. Cure sheep disease

2.1 treat lamb dysentery. The disease is most common in 2-3-day-old lambs. If it is not treated in time, it often dies within 1-2 days. Take the cactus 50g / 100g, remove the thorns and skin, rinse, cut into small pieces, boil into soup. 20~30mL was given twice a day, and most of the cases were cured after continuous administration for 2 days.

2.2 treat sheep waist and leg sprain. Take cactus, leek root 1 each, smash and add a small amount of children's urine to adjust and evenly apply to the affected area, can reduce swelling and relieve pain.

3. Treatment of pig disease

3.1 treat pig blister disease. The disease is characterized by blisters in hoof, nose, lip skin, tongue and nipple of diseased pigs. Remove the cactus and mash it into mud, pierce the blisters with a disinfection needle, and apply the cactus mud on the wound once a day. The curative effect is better when taking antiviral drugs at the same time.

3.2 treat pig fever. Wash and mash the cactus, add water and boil it into a medicinal juice, mix it with an appropriate amount of dilute food to feed the sick pig. The dosage of medicine juice can be determined according to the body weight of pigs, 250g juice below 50kg and 500g juice above 50kg.

4. Cure rabbit disease

4.1 to treat rabbit diarrhea. Mash the cactus 30g into mud, squeeze out the juice with gauze and drop it into the rabbit's mouth. Or cut the cactus into the rabbit's mouth or mix it into the feed, twice a day for 2 to 3 days, with an effective rate of 100%.

4.2 to treat rabbit scabies. Remove the thorns from the fresh cactus, cut it into small pieces, bake it yellow over low heat, grind it into fine powder, and paste it with Vaseline. Wash the affected area with warm water, apply cactus paste and rub it vigorously, once a day. If combined with subcutaneous injection of ivermectin, the effect is better.

5. Cure chicken plague

Chicken plague does great harm to chickens and can cause whole flocks to die. Cactus contains substances that can kill chicken plague virus. once chicken plague is found, the cactus will be mashed and fed to the chicken 2-3 times a day for several days.