
What herbicides can be used in jujube orchard?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What herbicides can be used in jujube orchard? What should I pay attention to when using herbicides? Weeding in jujube garden is an important part of management. Weeds are the intermediate hosts of diseases and insect pests, and they compete with jujube for fertilizer and water, which affect the growth of jujube. At present, the herbicides commonly used in production are as follows: (1) Diuron: 25% wettable powder, yes.

What herbicides can be used in jujube orchard? What should I pay attention to when using herbicides? Weeding in jujube garden is an important part of management. Weeds are the intermediate hosts of diseases and insect pests, and they compete with jujube for fertilizer and water, which affect the growth of jujube. At present, there are mainly the following kinds of herbicides commonly used in production: (1) diuron: 25% wettable powder, which is an internally absorbed herbicide with a wide range of herbicides, good effect, not affected by temperature, and effective for both annual and perennial weeds and shrubs. After application, the weed roots absorb chemicals from the soil and transport them to the stems and leaves to destroy the photosynthesis and nutrient production of the leaves, and the leaves lose green and turn yellow and die. The spraying time can be sprayed on the surface when the weeds sprout. 0.2kg / mu, 0.4kg / mu and 35kg / mu with water. When spraying stems and leaves, the addition of spreading agent can improve the efficacy. The herbicide rate can reach more than 90%, and the efficacy period of surface application can reach more than 60 days. This product is safe for people and animals, but it will cause serious drug damage when sprayed on jujube trees. (2) Pocaojing: 50% wettable powder, which is an internal absorption herbicide with a wide range of weeds, is more lethal to dicotyledonous weeds than monocotyledonous weeds, and has a control effect on perennial weeds. After application, the solution is absorbed through the stems, leaves or roots of weeds, which inhibits the photosynthesis of weeds, makes the leaves green, hinders the formation of nutrients and causes death. At the time of application, the effect was good on the young weeds just unearthed or before the weeds germinated. The method of use can be sprinkled or sprayed. The spray can add water 300 times to 400 times and use 0.15 to 0.3 kg per mu. The efficacy of Pocaojing is slow, and the weeds begin to die after one week, and the period of validity is 30-50 days. (3) herbicide ether: 40% milk powder, 10% and 25% wettable powder. It is a herbicide with contact killing effect. The scope of killing grass is wide. Among them, the annual weeds which are mainly propagated by seeds can only inhibit perennial weeds and can not kill them. Application time and method: spray the weeds on the surface before they are unearthed, do not water them for 2-3 days after spraying, and do not hoe within a week. The efficacy on the surface can reach 15 to 20 days. When spraying, 25% wettable powder is mixed into 1.5%, and the liquid is 80,100kg per mu. Withered spots and scorched death occur when the grass buds come into contact with the medicine. (4) glyphosate: it is a kind of herbicide with high efficiency and low toxicity, which has the function of internal absorption and conduction and has a wide range of weeding. The agent is absorbed after spraying on the leaf surface and can be transmitted to the root in 24 hours, causing the root to rot and wither and die on the ground. With 10% glyphosate 0.5 kg per mu, the control rate of annual monocotyledons and dicotyledons was more than 90%, and the growth of weeds could be inhibited for 5 weeks. Such as 1.5 kg per mu, it has a good control effect on perennial thatch, Reed and other weeds and small shrubs. Glyphosate has no effect after entering the soil, so it has no harmful effect on seeds, so you should avoid spraying on jujube branches and leaves when spraying. Although herbicides have the characteristics of quick weeding, labor saving and low investment, they can not play a due role if they are not suitable for type, dosage and time. Therefore, before use, we should first understand the efficacy and usage of herbicides, and determine the types and concentration of herbicides according to the sensitivity of weeds in jujube orchards to herbicides. Before using herbicides, small-scale experiments should be carried out, and then large-scale applications should be carried out. When spraying, we should strictly avoid the harm to jujube trees, spray close to the ground, and pay attention to the safety of human beings and animals. Click to get more herbicide application techniques click to get more pesticide application techniques click to get more jujube planting techniques