
The cause and prevention of rotten sprouts of orchids you'll be waiting for the pot to explode after reading it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the process of cultivating orchids, many people often encounter the decay of new buds of orchids. It is generally concluded that rotten buds of orchids are mainly caused by watering, fertilization, ramet, lack of ventilation, insect bites, external forces and problems of orchids themselves.

In the process of cultivating orchids, many people often encounter the decay of new buds of orchids. It is generally concluded that rotten buds of orchids are mainly caused by watering, fertilization, ramet, lack of ventilation, insect bites, external forces and problems of orchids themselves.

First, when watering or spraying the orchid, it is easy to splash water into the center of the bud, or to experience rain for a long time, or to soak the new bud in the water or pour dirty sewage after the rainstorm, and the water does not drain or evaporate in time after entering the heart of the leaf. At this time, the orchid is very easy to rot, and the speed of decay is the fastest in the high temperature environment. Watering is the most common and main reason for the rotten bud of the orchid. Most people's problems are here!

Second, whether using solid fertilizer or liquid fertilizer, if the core of the bud is not cleaned up in time, the core of the bud will be burned and rotten, that is, when the fertilizer is spattered on the leaves, it is possible to burn the leaves and leave black spots on the leaves. Fertilization is easy to cause rotten buds, which should be paid attention to!

Third, the wounds left when the orchids are not treated or not properly treated are planted. At this time, the pathogen is very easy to enter from the wound to cause disease. The common disease is the soft rot caused by bacteria, which will cause the orchid to fester from the base. The disease spot appears yellowish green, the water stain is transparent, and turns into brown soft rot within three to five days. The disease spot is irregular, and the boundary between the disease spot and healthy tissue is clear. There is a decaying liquid flow out at the edge of the disease spot, and in the later stage, the disease spot is dry and sunken, and when it is serious, it makes the whole bud rot and dry up, and soft rot is especially common in summer. Watering, ramet, lack of ventilation and other reasons can easily lead to the outbreak of soft rot, resulting in orchid rot!

Fourth, lack of ventilation will cause a large number of anaerobes to multiply in orchid plants, and then cause various diseases of orchids, such as soft rot, stem rot, white silk disease, anthracnose, etc., often manifested as yellowing, blackening, decay and so on. There are two main points of lack of ventilation: one is that the plant materials used are too fine and lack of water filtration and air permeability, and the other is that the closed air circulation in the breeding place is not smooth, which will lead to rotten roots and rotten buds of orchids.

Fifth, shell insects, aphids, red spiders, thrips and snails all suck the juice of orchid leaves, especially the tender leaves of orchids, and mice also like to eat sweet buds, which will also cause rotten orchids!

Sixth, rotten buds caused by external forces, such as frostbite, accidental bruising, breaking of pots and pots, foreign body injury, falling, birds, cats, dogs and other physical injuries may make orchids rot!

Seventh, the rotten bud caused by the orchid plant itself, the orchid plant is weak, the orchid root is unhealthy, the ability to absorb nutrition is poor, nutrition can not keep up, it will cause rigid buds, and it will rot over time!

Knowing the reason for the rotten bud of orchid, it is easy for us to prevent it. Now we will teach you how to prevent the rotten bud of orchid:

First, use clean water to water orchids, orchids do not like sewage and alkaline water, should be blown dry in time after watering, and those that cannot be blown dry in time should be careful not to pour water into the leaf center, preferably from the edge of the basin to keep the basin cool. Summer watering should be watered at night, do not water in muggy weather, try not to spray foliar water, outdoor breeding should pay attention to rainproof preparation. Or use nylon cloth or plastic film to build a temporary canopy on the orchid plant, or move the orchid plant to a place where the rain is out of reach before the rain, and pay attention to watch the weather forecast. Once there is heavy rain or torrential rain, emergency measures must be taken to prevent it. If it is too late to avoid the rain, the stagnant water in the basin should be removed in time after the rain. In short, be careful, it is a good thing to be careful!

Second, if the cultivation of orchids is not for special reasons, such as the pursuit of multiple seedlings, flowering requirements, and long-term use of inorganic hard plants without any nutrients, try not to apply fertilizer as far as possible, because fertilization, no matter whether you pay attention to it, it may lead to rotten buds and burned orchid leaves, you can choose organic plants to avoid fertilization and reduce the risk of fertilization from the source!

Third, pay attention to ventilation, first of all, the plant material should be breathable, and the granular plant material should be selected, with a size of about 0.5-3cm, which requires fast leaching and good air permeability. if the organic plant material requires slow decay, adequate nutrition, and does not contain insect eggs and bacteria, here we recommend a kind of granular organic plant material, the novice can use the mixture of Castanea mollissima King and Stone at 1:1, and the veteran can all use the Castanea mollissima King. All the use of pine chestnut king has a high seedling rate! In addition, the ventilation of orchid breeding places should be done well, outdoor farming should regularly clean up plants and sundries that block ventilation, and indoor farming had better be placed in the north-south transparent place. Be sure to open doors and windows. If you feel that the ventilation is not enough, you can use electric fans to strengthen ventilation.

Fourth, regular sterilization and insecticidal. During the growing period of orchids, fungicides such as carbendazim, chlorothalonil and methyl topiramate should be sprayed regularly, especially in summer. Once pests are found, they should also be sprayed with insecticides such as aphids, quick killing, fenitrothion and other insecticides in time, and some small white drugs can be placed on the surface of plant materials for anticorrosion. Xiaobaiyao belongs to slow-release agents. Will release part of the medicine to the plant every time with watering, it can kill the pests in the plant, and the prevention period is from January to half a year, which is still very practical.

Fifth, to prevent heat and release cold, hot summer, to avoid orchids exposed to strong light, high temperatures, do not let orchids in the airtight environment. In the cold winter, you should pay attention to keep your orchids warm. If the temperature is below zero, you should raise them indoors, build a shed outside to protect them from the wind and snow, so as not to get cold. When watering in winter, you should pay special attention to not throwing cold water. The water temperature had better be similar to the air temperature.

Sixth, to avoid mechanical injury, pay attention to avoid artificial injury, turn the basin to change the seedling and other operations should be careful not to hurt the bud, the family has cats and dogs should pay special attention, cats and dogs like to jump, but also like to bite the leaves of orchids, there are children should also pay attention, children do not know how to pity flowers, careless, not to mention rotten buds, even uprooted Therefore, the orchid should be placed above or out of reach of cats, dogs and children.

7. To buy orchids, you must buy healthy and sturdy orchids, even if the price is a little higher, not or fewer orchids with single seedlings, it is recommended that more than 3 seedlings are safer, less roots are thick and short, and the roots are seriously lignified. When you encounter old, weak, sick and disabled seedlings, you must keep clean and nurture, plant deeper, do not fertilize, pay attention to ventilation, and kill bacteria and insects regularly!

All right, let's stop wording. let's stop talking about it today. It's not easy to write for a long time. I hope you can also learn to use it flexibly and wait for the orchid to explode. I can only think of these reasons, and there may be other reasons. Welcome to improve the amendment. Thank you for reading. Author: Mei Fei, founder of Orchid Bar Forum, Secretary of Orchid Association of Jingshan City, Hubei Province, online celebrities of orchid industry on major self-media platforms! I will publish orchid knowledge and pictures every day, take you in-depth understanding of orchids, teach you to easily raise orchids, you can always ask me or leave a message below if you don't understand orchids, if you like, you can follow me or collect or forward to help others!