
Bergamot has a wide range of uses, good market benefits, how to cultivate high-yield bergamot

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bergamot has a wide range of uses, good market benefits, how to cultivate high-yield bergamot

Because of the shape of the finger at the top of the fruit, it is called Guangbergamot and bergamot. In addition to medicinal use, bergamot can also extract essence and be processed into bergamot sugar, preserved fruit, bergamot hangover tea, bergamot smoking cessation sugar and other products. The market demand is large, supply exceeds demand, and the development prospect is broad. First, let me introduce you to the high-yield cultivation techniques of Guangbergamot.

Citrus medica

1. Seed selection and land selection: high-quality and high-yield seed seedlings such as "Phnom Penh White Meat" fist-sized Guangfingered citron seed, cuttage, grafting seedlings can be used. Guangbergamot likes warm and wet, has strong adaptability and is not strict with soil quality. All hilly slope, flat land, high-lying paddy fields, as long as drainage is convenient, sufficient sunshine, regardless of black soil, yellow soil, sandy loam, where citrus can be planted in the plot are suitable for planting Guangfingered citron.

2. Reasonable dense planting and three-dimensional interplanting: the land before planting should be deeply turned twice, planted according to the plant spacing of 2 meters ×3 meters, and planted with 110 to 140 bergamot seedlings per mu. Dig 50cm × 40cm pits for base fertilizer, fill each pit with 10kg chicken dung and mix well with soil before returning to the pit. Spring planting, select healthy seedlings, cut off half of the leaves, at the same time cut the top. planting bergamot seedlings into the center of the pit, cultivating soil and compacting, and watering in sunny days. Can be planted in the fingered citron, chicken bone grass, semi-branch, Lysimachia christinae and other dwarf herbs, both to increase income and prevent weeds from growing wild.

Third, field management: before the fruit, should apply good shoot fertilizer. That is to say, farm manure and quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer were applied once 10 days before spring shoot, summer shoot and autumn shoot sprouting. 50g urea and 100g phosphate fertilizer are applied to each fingered citron plant, mixed with chicken dung, combined with intertillage and weeding to open a 20cm deep circular ditch and cover the soil tightly. After September do not need to fertilize, prevent fingered citron late autumn shoots excessive growth. After two or three years of planting, it enters the fruiting period and can be harvested continuously for more than 30 years. Fertilizer should be applied four times a year: the first fertilizer before flowering, in the middle of March, each fingered citron applied 5 kg decomposed human excrement; the second fertilizer in the flowering peak, each fingered citron applied 5 kg chicken dung and 150 grams of urea. Before and after the third "summer heat", strong fruit fertilizer and heavy phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were applied to promote the expansion of fingered citron fruit and increase yield. 0.5kg compound fertilizer is applied to each fingered citron and mixed with 5kg decomposed human excrement; fruit picking fertilizer is applied for the fourth time. After fruit picking, symmetrical trenches with a depth of 40cm are dug on both sides of fingered citron plants, and 10kg decomposed cow dung and 0.5kg compound fertilizer are applied to each fingered citron and mixed with soil before returning to the pit to restore tree vigor and increase nutrient accumulation.


Fourth, pruning and shaping: Guangfo hand thick and fast, long branches and many, every year to pruning and shaping, so that the fruit branches evenly distributed. Pruning is carried out after fruit picking and before germination in March, cutting off cross branches, weak branches, diseased branches and dead branches, and reserving short branches as bearing mother branches. All excess branches should be pruned to reduce nutrient depletion. Autumn shoots can be properly reserved for the second year's fruiting branches. When there are many fruits of fingered citron, support columns should be set up to avoid crushing branches. As long as it is properly managed, there will be no "big and small years" of bergamot.

V. Thinning flowers and wiping buds: Guangfingered citron is monoecious and can bear fruit from May to December. Early flowering phenomenon is serious in May, but early flowers are mostly male flowers that cannot bear fruit, so they should be all thinned out. The flowers bloomed before and after the summer solstice are mostly female flowers that can bear fruit, and the fruit rate is relatively high, but each short branch should keep 1 to 2 fruits of fingered citron, only 2 to 3 large flowers, and the rest of the flowers should be thinned. The redundant axillary buds germinated on the branches in flowering period were wiped off to reduce nutrient consumption and achieve the goal of high yield of fingered citron.

6. Disease and pest control: For canker disease, spray 0.8°Bé stone sulfur mixture once in combination with clearing garden after picking fingered citron; spray 1000-fold Topzin solution twice when new shoots sprout; spray 500-fold special solution when new shoots turn green. During the occurrence period of scale insects, spray a mixture of 1000 times of killing speed and 200 times of engine oil emulsion.

VII. Harvest: From September to October, when the skin of Guangbergamot turns yellow, cut it with fruit scissors.