
How to prevent and cure the cotton blight of eggplant during the full fruit period

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to prevent and cure the cotton blight of eggplant during the full fruit period

Eggplant cotton blight disease is commonly known as rotten fruit and rotten water, which is one of the important diseases of eggplant. Eggplant can be harmed at all growth stages. The general loss is 20-30%, and in severe cases, more than 50%. The peak period of the disease is the peak period of eggplant fruit, and disasters often break out in rainy areas and years, resulting in devastating losses.

Eggplant cotton blight

Symptoms of the disease

Cotton blight mainly damages eggplant, and the young fruits near the ground are more common. In the early stage of eggplant disease, round water-stained small freckles appeared on eggplant shell, and then rapidly expanded and spread to all eggplant. Eggplant disease spot yellowish brown or dark brown, when the humidity is high, the disease spot is covered with luxuriant white flocculent mold layer, the internal pulp becomes brown and eroded. The infected eggplant often falls off in the later stage and rotten out quickly. There are also some that do not fall. After erosion, they lose water and dry and shrink into dark brown fruit. Sometimes leaves and shoots can also occur, and the injured leaves produce nearly round or irregular rectangular water-stained light brown spots, sometimes with obvious wheel patterns. When moist, the white mildew on the disease spot. The stem was infected with water stains at first, then turned dark green or purplish brown, the diseased part was stiff, and its upper branches and leaves wilted.

II. Prevention and control methods

1. Select disease-resistant eggplant varieties and pay attention to crop rotation.

2. Cultivate strong seedling and healthy seedling bed. Select the high terrain, south back north, not easy to stagnant water field as a seedbed. Disinfect the soil three weeks before sowing.

3. Adopt high border and adhere to plastic film mulching cultivation. The land preparation should be flat to avoid stagnant water. Apply sufficient base fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potash fertilizer. Perform wide and narrow row planting, timely ploughing, pruning, beating old leaves, improving ventilation and light transmission conditions, timely harvest. If you find the infected eggplant, remove it and bury it deeply.

4. Strengthen field investigation and treatment. Diseased eggplant and leaves were immediately treated with medicine. It can be sprayed with 72.2% Pulic water 800 times, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times, or 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times, or 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder 500 times.