
In order to lay the foundation for high yield of loquat in the coming year, the key points of management after fruit picking of loquat

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In order to lay the foundation for high yield of loquat in the coming year, the key points of management after fruit picking of loquat

This period of time is the end of loquat fruit harvest. After fruit picking, the tree consumes a lot of nutrients and has poor resistance, which affects the summer shoot germination and growth of loquat. The cultivation and management of loquat should be grasped in time in order to restore loquat tree potential and promote flower bud differentiation, and lay the foundation for high quality and high yield of loquat in the coming year.

Postharvest management of loquat

First, re-apply postharvest fertilizer. Summer shoot is the main fruiting mother branch of loquat. The quantity and quality of summer shoot directly affect the yield of loquat in the coming year. Generally, summer shoots are born from May to June, when loquat trees urgently need to restore tree potential after "postpartum". Summer shoots and flower bud differentiation need to consume a lot of nutrition, so heavy fertilization. Generally, 10-20 days after loquat fruit harvest, organic fertilizer and available fertilizer are applied together, and the amount of fertilizer applied accounts for 50% of the total amount of the whole year. The amount of fertilizer application should be determined according to the age, fruit amount and potential of loquat trees. Taking the 15-year-old loquat tree with a yield of 15 kg as an example, the amount of fertilizer applied per plant was 30-50 kg of human feces and urine, 0.5 kg of urea, 0.5 kg of potash fertilizer, 1 kg of calcium superphosphate and 4-5 kg of cake fertilizer. The trench application method was used to dig a ditch 20-30 cm deep at the crown drip line to irrigate water once with conditional fertilization.

Second, topdressing outside the root at the right time. When the summer shoots grow, loquat trees will have another nutrient consumption and "collapse". Foliar topdressing is needed to deal with the "collapse" of loquat trees. It can be sprayed with 0.3-0.5% urea or 10% human urine, or with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.2% potassium sulfate, 0.3-0.5% superphosphate and 10% plant ash to supplement loquat tree nutrition and restore tree potential.

Third, prune and sprout as soon as possible. After fruit picking, loquat should be pruned comprehensively in time, which is usually completed within half a month after fruit harvest. It is mainly to cut off the disease and insect branches, withered branches, overlapping branches and fruit stumps, retract and truncate the weak senescent branches and overgrown branches, and remove some over-dense branches and weak branches in the crown to reduce nutrient consumption and improve light conditions. After the summer shoots germinate, sprout in time. If 3-4 summer shoots germinate at the pick of the ear, one bud should be erased and 2-3 robust buds should be left to develop into summer shoots.

Fourth, do a good job of drainage and irrigation. In case of drought, insufficient water supply of trees will affect the germination and growth of loquat summer shoots, so furrow irrigation, watering and grass mulching can be used to resist drought. It is rainy in summer and the orchard is prone to stagnant water. Clear the drainage ditch in time to prevent stagnant water.

Fifth, ploughing and weeding. When picking loquat, soil hardening is caused by human or mechanical trampling, which is not conducive to root growth, and it is easy to breed weeds in the rainy season. Therefore, after fruit harvest, herbicides such as glyphosate can be used to weed loquat orchards, and timely ploughing and loosening soil, the appropriate depth of ploughing is 10-15 cm, weeds and compost can be turned into the soil to improve soil fertility.

Sixth, strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Loquat is easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests because of its weak tree potential and poor resistance from fruit picking to tender shoots. Common leaf spot, anthracnose, branch rot, control methods: first, strengthen management, increase the application of organic fertilizer to promote the healthy growth of loquat trees and improve disease resistance. The second is to clean the diseased leaves and reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria. The third is chemical prevention and control. In the early stage of the disease, 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder or 70% mancozeb wettable powder can be used to control the disease. The main insect pests are aphids, peach borer, mites, beetles, loquat yellow caterpillars and so on. The loquat orchards with scale insects should be sprayed with 1000 times of Lesbon, 1000 times of enemy killing and 1000 times of dichlorvos.