
Is black chicken different from ordinary chickens? Three points to pay attention to in raising black chickens

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Is black chicken different from ordinary chickens? Three points to pay attention to in raising black chickens

Black chicken

After coming out of its shell, black chickens respond more slowly than other breeds of chickens, do not know hunger and fullness, are afraid of shock, and have higher requirements for temperature. The temperature of one-week-old black chicken should be 32 ℃ in the daytime and 34 ℃ at night, and then decrease by 1 ℃ ~ 2 ℃ per week. The temperature can not be removed until the new feathers grow out at the age of 2 months. Put the newly hatched chicks to rest in dim light, give them strong light to drink water and reduce the light after eating, and illuminate them with a 15W incandescent lamp after 10 to 24 hours. Drink with 0.2% potassium permanganate water first. If there is a black chicken that does not eat, drop a few drops of sugar water in its mouth and eat it after it pulls down the meconium. Farmers had better raise their chicks on a fire Kang covered with an inch of fine sand. When the black chicken begins to eat, feed it medium well's millet or fine corn grains, sesame grains and so on. Put it on the trough for 3 to 5 days and feed the chicken instead. After that, black chickens were fed with potassium permanganate water or garlic water every 5 days to prevent disease.

The feeding and management of black chicken is roughly the same as that of ordinary chickens, but the feed of black chicken should be more refined, the content of crude protein is between 14% and 18%, the metabolic energy is 2500 to 2800 calories per kilogram, and the diet is mainly based on cereal. and according to 20% of the concentrate to feed green succulent feed. Free to eat sand. Black chickens are afraid of dampness and dampness, the henhouse should be well ventilated and the ground should be dry. It is best to set up a perch with a height of more than 1 meter in the chicken coop, which can reduce disease and improve the survival rate. The number of black chicken population should not be too large, generally 100 ~ 120 is more appropriate. The feed should be adequate, and the appropriate amount of feed each time should be controlled within 1 hour. Chicken sheds and sports grounds should be replaced with new soil 20 centimeters deep once a year.

Black chicken has a delicate constitution and poor stress resistance, and it is easy to die after the disease. Therefore, the focus of black chicken breeding should be on disease prevention. First of all, the feeding and management of black chickens should be strengthened, and regular disinfection should be carried out inside and outside the henhouse. The chicken coop and playground should be cleaned frequently, and the matting materials should be changed frequently. Wash the trough and drinking fountain every day and disinfect it with caustic soda solution with a concentration of 1% to 2% every semimonthly. Secondly, the epidemic prevention system should be improved. To formulate a scientific immunization procedure for black chickens. For those diseases that can not be controlled by vaccine, effective prevention can be given according to the occurrence law of the disease.