
Tea is not the god of medicine, but the umbrella of the body.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, High mountains and flowing rivers & nbsp; zither in Qiuxuan & nbsp; 0000tick 05VR 32.

Mountain stream


Yu Qiuxuan


The hit movie "I am not the God of Medicine" has aroused people's thinking about disease.

In order to survive, a sick person has imported medicine at a sky-high price that he cannot afford, and fake medicine made up by unscrupulous and profiteers, how much sacrifice the family has to pay, and how much pressure the mind has to bear, just to live like a normal person.

There is a real and heartbreaking scene in which the sick grandmother grabs the police officer's hand and asks him, "I just want to live. Can you guarantee that you won't get sick in your life?"

Indeed, health is a matter of life and death for a patient. No matter who it is, they should regard health as a kind of responsibility in order to have a bright future and a happy family.

What the film wants to express most is: health is a luxury, birth, aging, sickness and death is the norm, but never forget the beauty of human nature.

So a cup of tea has sorted out a lot of benefits of drinking tea. I hope that while you think about the feelings of the movie, you will also stick to your healthy living habits and pass them on to more friends around you.

Polyphenols are widely found in plants. Tea polyphenols, on the other hand, are the sum of polyphenols found in tea. In the dry matter of tea, the content of tea polyphenols is about 18% Mel 36%.

The study of tea polyphenols began in the 1950s. Its greatest role is to protect the human body's genetic material DNA from being destroyed by free radicals in the process of replication, that is, anti-oxidation, prevent a variety of diseases and delay aging.

The antioxidant capacity of tea polyphenols is 6-7 times that of vitamin E and 5-10 times that of vitamin C. Chemically synthesized vitamins have toxic side effects, while natural vitamins are afraid of light and high temperature. Tea polyphenols make up for these shortcomings.

In addition, the anti-radiation and anticancer effects of tea polyphenols have been paid more and more attention by the medical community.

Improve immunity

As early as the Tang and Song dynasties, there are ancient medical records: tea is used to treat inflammation, with antibacterial and antiviral effect.

Summer is the season when epidemic diseases occur frequently. Some studies have shown that drinking tea can improve human immunity and effectively help the body resist the attack of virus.

To get tired and lose weight

It is recorded in the relics of Materia Medica: "Tea, eating for a long time makes people thin and goes fat."

The caffeine contained in tea can promote the metabolism of the human body, assist weight loss, and effectively inhibit fat accumulation and prevent obesity through catechin.

Obese people drink more tea, can reduce fat, prevent overweight, and then with appropriate exercise, is a good way to enhance weight loss.


The Sketch Classic of Song Su Song said that tea can "dispel persistent diseases, when there is no disease in front of the eyes." Ming Cheng Yingbin's "tea records" said that tea could "stir up the spirit and accumulate signs of illness." Yu Yuqing's "Lotus Gallery Notes" said that tea could "nourish health and benefit."

The catechins and their oxides in tea have strong antioxidant effects, which can neutralize the free radicals produced in the body and delay aging.

Refreshing and refreshing

The Tang liquid Materia Medica by Wang Haogu of the Qing Dynasty said that the tea could be the "head of the Qing Dynasty", while the "seeking the Truth of Materia Medica" embroidered by the Huanggu Palace of the Qing Dynasty said that the tea could cure the "leader is not clear".

Modern life has a fast pace of work and great pressure, which often causes mental and psychological symptoms such as anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, depression and so on. Green tea contains theanine, which can help control anxiety, improve attention, improve mental state and overall function.

Health care function

Tang Sun Simiao's "Qian Jin Yao Fang" said that tea can make people "powerful"; the Compendium of Materia Medica written by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty said that tea can "make people feel refreshed"; and the "rest and drink recipe" written by Wang Mengying in the Qing Dynasty said that tea could "clear the mind".

Tea can also eliminate fatigue, refreshing, eyesight, digestion, diuresis and detoxification, prevent dental caries, eliminate bad breath, and become one of the healthiest drinks in the 21st century.

Drink green tea in the morning

Invigorate qi and damp yang, exuberant mind and spirit

"the plan of the day is in the morning", Yang Qi after a night of nourishment, in the morning to rejuvenate, at this time should drink a cup of green tea.

Green tea is a kind of non-fermented tea, which retains more natural substances in fresh leaves and less vitamin loss, so it can help the spleen and stomach to transport water grain to the whole body, so that the heart of the main god and the brain of the palace of the Yuan God can be nourished so that people can maintain their energy in the morning.

But just got up soon, Yang Qi has not yet come into being, it is best not to drink tea. After breakfast and rest for more than an hour, the best time to drink tea is from ten to 11:00 in the morning.

Drink oolong tea in the afternoon

Invigorate the spleen and eliminate food, keep the movement

Yang Qi weakens in the afternoon, Yin Qi increases gradually, and the function of spleen and stomach is weaker than that in the morning. Chinese food culture is "eat well in the morning, eat well in the afternoon, and eat less in the evening", so there will be a lot of greasy food in the lunch diet, which is easy to hinder the stomach, thus weakening the function of the spleen and stomach.

Drinking oolong tea in the afternoon can help the spleen and stomach digest and maintain the efficient operation of the transportation function.

In addition, the temperature is relatively high in the afternoon, working for most of the day, people are also easy to get tired. A cup of oolong tea with high fragrance and fresh taste makes people feel refreshed and refreshed, and fatigue disappears without a trace.

Drink Pu'er tea in the evening

Calm your mind and repair it at night

Yang qi converges in the evening and goes into yin. After a day's work, the human body's qi drops, the need to take care of the spleen and stomach, peace of mind, sleep well, the body can be repaired at night.

The caffeine content in the cooked common is very little, the stimulating effect is very weak, so it will not be excited after drinking, and it is relatively difficult to be diuretic, so that people can sleep peacefully. And the hot drink is comfortable and warm. But drinking tea in the evening is recommended two hours before going to bed.

"Tea is not the god of medicine", but it is very beneficial to human health and helps us fight against disease. it is not too late to raise the teacup.

Drinking tea is really a good habit of being responsible for your health.

Based on the arrangement and recommendation of a cup of small tea, choose tea according to your own physique and preferences, but you must not regard tea as a "life-saving medicine".

"I am not the god of medicine" expresses ordinary people's pursuit of health and respect for life. We can start with the small habit of drinking tea and hold up the protective umbrella of the body.

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