
Why do new orchid seedlings become stiff? Yanglan is most afraid that if you make more than three mistakes, a new seedling will be stiff.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Why do new orchid seedlings become stiff? Yulan is most afraid of "more than three". If you commit a new seedling, most of the new seedlings from the mountain orchid this season have already been pulled out, except for a few cymbidium that may have just come out of the soil. To take the pictures taken by the farmer today, they are all.

Why do new orchid seedlings become stiff? Yanglan is most afraid of "more than three". If you make a new seedling, it will be stiff.

Most of the new seedlings of Cymbidium have been extracted this season, except for a few cymbidium which may just come out of the soil. OK, the pictures taken by the farmer today are all Chunlan and Huilan who came down the mountain this year.

The leaves of the new seedlings of Cymbidium have grown to 6 leaves. Observe whether a new seedling is healthy or not. Can it grow into an orchid seedling? Will it grow into strong grass? It mainly depends on whether the color of its leaf sheath is normal, whether the leaves of its new seedlings are stronger than the old seedlings, whether there are disease spots on the new seedlings, and so on.

Of course, only if the new seedlings can grow. Recently, some friends on the Internet left a message to the good photographer, saying that their new orchid seedlings have not been moving for a long time. What is the reason for this? The growth rate of orchid seedlings in this season should be very fast, after a few days will obviously feel grown up, if the orchid seedlings do not grow up may be rigid seedlings.

The stiff seedlings of orchids do not necessarily die immediately, so they are very deceptive and difficult to find if they are not observed often. Even if the stiff seedlings grow up slowly, they are mostly deformed seedlings, which have no effect on the beauty of the orchid plant. Why are there stiff seedlings? Basically, it is for these three reasons that good farmers call it "more than three."

First, there is a lot of water, which is easy to understand. if the water permeability of the plant is not good, coupled with the humidity in the rainy day, and the Langen absorbs too much water, it will affect the absorption of nutrients. Just like a person who drinks too much water and drinks, it is difficult to eat again.

Second, fat, orchid friends all want to pay close attention to raising seedlings in this season, especially when it comes down to the mountain orchid, it is inevitable that the old grass will turn yellow, so they will fatten it to supplement the insufficient fertility of the old grass, and it is good to apply less and less, and those who are greedy and eager to apply more fertilizer will cause stiff seedlings.

Third, there are many drugs, the plum rain season is indeed a period of high incidence of orchid diseases, it is inevitable to apply drugs, or spray or sprinkle or irrigation, but most of the drugs for the treatment of orchid diseases have bactericidal function, and appropriate use can kill germs. But if you use it too hard and use too much, it will also cause drug damage. The growth of orchids needs probiotics, and it is no wonder that orchids are not stiff if they are also killed.

Good photo of the farmer original, please do not plagiarize.