
Master the technology of rapid fattening of squab to improve the economic benefit of squab

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Master the technology of rapid fattening of squab to improve the economic benefit of squab

18 days old squab muscle moisture content is high, less subcutaneous fat, palatability is not strong. In order to improve the meat quality of squab and enhance palatability, squab can be fattened 5~7 days before sale or slaughter, so that squab skin is crispy, tender, soft, fragrant and delicious after cooking.


Where the age of 14 to 18 days, large body, weight more than 350 grams, muscle fullness, smooth feathers, healthy disease-free young pigeons can be fattening objects. Pigeons older than 21 days, thin, rough feathers, red and black skin, physical disability, infected with a disease and weight less than 300 grams should not be fattened.

Available corn, wheat, peas, mung beans, broad beans, sorghum, brown rice and so on as young pigeons fattening feed. In the total diet, beans accounted for about 20%~25%, corn, wheat, rough rice not less than 75%~80%. Grind the beans and feed them to the pigeons. If you have the conditions, you can add appropriate amount of milk powder and yeast tablets to the feed to prepare a semi-liquid feed. Fattening is carried out by means of forced feeding. Pay attention to the condition of young pigeons during fattening, because the fat content of bean feed is high, pigeons are easy to diarrhea or indigestion, resulting in young pigeons due to food accumulation in crop disease. Once found, to timely add appropriate amount of cinnamon, fennel, tangerine peel and other food to help digestion in the diet of young pigeons.

If the number of milk pigeons, pigeon farmers can adopt the method of artificial blowing feeding. The person who blows and feeds first contains the soaked broken materials and appropriate amount of water into the mouth, then lift the pigeon with his left hand, open the pigeon mouth, and gently blow the water into the pigeon crop at one time. One squab at a time with water. In blowing to prevent too much breath into the crop of young pigeons, affecting the digestion and health of young pigeons.

Pigeon farms with a large number of pigeons can adopt mechanical feeding method, first put the soaked broken feed together with appropriate amount of water into the hopper of the feeder, then lift the pigeon with the left hand, open the pigeon mouth with the right hand, and put the mouth of the young pigeon towards the feed outlet of the feeder, step on the switch with the right foot, feed and water are poured into the pigeon crop. Generally, each squab is fed twice a day, and each time 50~100 grams of feed is fed.