
Lean meat percentage does not depend on lean meat essence three measures scientifically improve lean meat percentage of pigs

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lean meat percentage does not depend on lean meat essence three measures scientifically improve lean meat percentage of pigs

As people now like to eat lean meat, many pig farmers use clenbuterol in order to improve the lean meat rate of pigs. But clenbuterol is a chemical that has side effects on the human body, and many consumers have begun to shy away from pork, which has greatly affected the efficiency of pig farmers. In fact, to improve the lean meat rate of pigs does not necessarily rely on clenbuterol, pig farmers can improve the lean meat rate of pigs through scientific, safe and healthy methods. Here are three scientific measures to improve lean meat percentage:

Live pig

Raise fine varieties. The key factor determining the lean meat percentage of live pigs is the breed of live pigs. The lean meat rate of live pigs crossbred with excellent breeding pigs such as Duroc can reach 55%, while the lean meat rate of three-way hybrid commercial pigs produced by Duroc, Yorkshire, Landrace or other lean pigs can reach more than 64%.

Increase the protein content in pig feed. The corresponding protein level should be given according to the different stages of pig growth and development. During the feeding period, when the body weight is 10-20 kg, the protein content in the feed should be 20%-22%; during the growing period, when the weight is 40-60 kg, the protein content in the feed should be 16%-19%; during the fattening period, when the body weight is 60-90 kg, the protein content in the feed should be between 14% and 16%.

Change the way pigs are fed. The method of "promotion and control" should be adopted. That is, live pigs are fed before 60 kilograms, and pigs after 60 kilograms are restricted to feed, generally limited to 10%-15%. At the same time, it was supplemented with green feed. After fattening, term feeding can inhibit the growth of body fat, save feed, and improve the lean meat rate of pigs. Put out the column regularly.

The best scheme for general breeds of pigs is that the gross weight reaches 90 kg, and even if the three-way hybrid pig comes out at the gross weight of 110 kg, it will not reduce the grade of the pig body, but may be more suitable for consumers' requirements of "lean in fat and fat in lean".