
Mucous pigeon pox does great harm how to prevent and cure pigeon pox

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Mucous pigeon pox does great harm how to prevent and cure pigeon pox

Pigeon pox in meat pigeons is caused by pigeon pox virus. Pigeon pox virus generally through contaminated drinking water, feed, etc., through the wounds of pigeons and mucosal infection, to summer and autumn season multiple.

meat pigeon


Dermal pigeon pox is mainly manifested as small white nodules formed on the eyelids, beaks and toes of pigeons, and then formed pox scab. If not diagnosed and treated in time, secondary suppuration can be produced, purulent secretions can be produced, and pox scab will fall off after 4 days, but it will leave scars on pigeons. Mucosal pigeon pox mainly occurs in the throat of meat pigeons. The symptoms are difficulty in feeding, mouth breathing, white pseudomembrane formed by mucous membrane, foul smell, throat swelling in severe cases, resulting in difficulty in breathing. After a few days, meat pigeons die of suffocation or hunger.

preventive measures

Pigeons should be immunized with attenuated pigeon pox vaccine in spring.


1. Isolate sick pigeons, thoroughly clean contaminated mats, pigeon cages, pigeon houses, etc., and spray 1%~2% caustic soda solution for disinfection.

II. Emergency vaccination of infected pigeons and threatened pigeons to control pigeon pox epidemic in a short time.

3. Treat the sick pigeon by stripping off the crust or false membrane and applying 2% iodoglycerin twice a day.

4. Oxytetracycline was administered to the whole flock of meat pigeons, mixed with feed at a dosage of 0.02%~0.04%, for 5~7 days.

5. Mix 0.04% chlortetracycline or tetracycline into the feed and feed the pigeons.

6. Add proper amount of vitamin A and vitamin B2 in health sand.