
Saving Feed and reducing breeding cost A New method of Saving Feed for Summer Geese

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Saving Feed and reducing breeding cost A New method of Saving Feed for Summer Geese

The geese that hatch in May and enter the shed in June are called summer geese. At this time, the grass is luxuriant and weeds are overgrown in the water. Grazing combined with feeding water plants to geese reduces the cost. The method of raising geese is introduced as follows:


Goose sheds are built next to lakes, reservoirs and ditches, with broad grazing grounds and shaded by trees. After entering the shed, the young geese are fed with water and grass when they start eating, and the duck tongue grass is the best, and the goose likes to feed. This period of young geese, there is still some yolk in the abdomen, will not lose fat, feed Hedyotis diffusa every 3-4 hours, continuous feeding for 3 days, can be grazed. During the rearing period, attention should be paid to the change of air temperature to prevent geese from getting cold.

A week later, the feed intake of geese increased, and the grazing time was prolonged. In sunny days, the geese ate dewy grass to ensure that the geese were full, mainly Hedyotis diffusa. The specific daily practices are as follows:

During the hot noon break, take a large amount of Hedyotis diffusa, put it on two layers and hang it on the shelf to prevent exposure. After a few hours, the first layer of water is drained and can be sprinkled on the geese to feed. The goose is easy to starve, so it is necessary to feed a few more meals, graze immediately when the temperature drops, and exercise its foraging ability. the key point of management in this period is "it is better to be hungry than to be hungry." Harvest at sunset, have the necessary visibility, and feed Hedyotis diffusa. Leave an appropriate amount of Hedyotis diffusa for feeding before grazing the next morning. Every day, the salvage amount of Hedyotis diffusa should be based on the feed intake of geese, so that it must be salvaged every day, no backlog is retained, keep fresh, and prevent retting spoilage. The next morning, due to a night of hunger and thirst, water should be released before grazing before feeding water plants. During this period, the foraging energy of geese was the strongest, and the temperature increased at 10:00 at noon, that is, grazing lasted for 15-20 days, and the young geese gradually increased, had strong digestibility of crude fiber, and could assimilate themselves by using plant protein. During this period, grazing should be carried out all day.

Salvage and grazing sites should be rotated to facilitate the regeneration of aquatic plants and grasses. A very small number of weak goslings should be fed separately, and the grain feed of bran should be supplemented if necessary, and join the group after recovery.

A month later, the young goose head and tail wings grow white tail, commonly known as "four-point flower", weighing about 1.5-2 kilograms. This period is still full, 4-6 meals a day. When the goose is in the hairy stage, the goose feels itchy all over and likes to run and drill, so it should prevent loss. If necessary, grazing while fishing for water and grass to feed it, the goose's food intake and hunger can be seen from the goose's neck. As the temperature rises, we should do a good job of waterproof and thirst prevention, heat prevention and cooling measures, and build a cool shade shed for goose breath. And deworming at the same time. Levamisole is generally used, 0.1 grams per tablet, one tablet per day for 3-4 days. After that, the goose gradually grew up, and two months later, the whole body was covered with feathers, commonly known as "wearing a coat." The goose is grown in three months, and the rice stubble fields are grazed and fattened for sale in September and October.