
The little secret of raising delicious meat: the health of meat is only the foundation. The most important thing is.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The 13th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

13 March


Foreword Qian Yan

Love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply "Community" to share with 20W meat friends!

The background replied "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil allocation, disinfestation, black rot" to view the relevant maintenance knowledge.

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The author / the garden where the morning light meets?

Coordinates / Qingdao

Editor / succulent plant sink

Everyone likes delicious meat, but it is not easy to see beauty because it can really bring benefits.

Many people try their best not to raise the United States, but there is still something wrong with the meat. How does the beautiful meat come out?

Many meat friends will talk about water control, others say they don't have to throw it outside, and some say they put it in the fridge. Have you ever thought about the premise of these? The premise is that you have meat, ~ joke moment.

Having meat is the key, and what is more important is that the meat should be healthy. Let's share my little experience with you.

If you want to have a good meat, the first condition is that your meat should be healthy, the leaves should be normal, the number of layers should be more, and the state should be good. The state here is not the state of coloring, but the state of growth. Like those who have seen the light for a short time and have long leaves, they are all unhealthy meat.

The leaves are not full, the overall shape is not good, insect pests are not very healthy meat. The meat in the picture below is not healthy! This is the lack of light exposure will be good.

Many people will ask me how your meat is raised, so good, but also sunproof, I personally feel that succulent plants belong to desert plants, sunscreen this needless to say, mainly lies in the right season and suitable culture.

I remember I wrote before that the peak season for succulent growth is spring and autumn, too hot and dormant in summer, too cold in winter and almost dormant.

I personally like to start the spring when the temperature is not below 5 °, so I start to take it out and cover it with a little film at night, because there is sometimes frost in the countryside, and I need to maintain it at night, and then start a short and long time of dew, watering and tanning. Let them go through the hard years of winter, and then the summer begins to slowly control the water.

Basically rely on heaven to eat, smaller meat, basically watered twice a week, because I match the soil particles, good permeability, pure dew seedlings sometimes die because of lack of water.

(there is no shade in summer. Oh, except for some varieties who are afraid of the sun, the other so-called fear of the sun is hypocritical. In addition, the sun starts from the beginning of spring, do not take it out in summer, and the meat that has been put out for a whole winter will suddenly get sunburned. never mind that the new leaves will be fine.) the millet star in summer is just as beautiful.

On the topic before, I have said that if small seedlings want to store water better, big plants should be better permeable, and the strength of water permeability is determined by the number of boxes of particles, so the difference between seedlings and adult soil is the problem of particles.

The particles of small seedlings should be a little smaller, because their roots are also very fine, small particles are breathable, and they will protect the roots of plants, so they are not afraid of abuse, and the dance of Heavenly Dance is actually very beautiful.

Watering should be based on the different seasons, with the rise and fall of succulent plants to determine the number and times, spring and autumn is the peak growing season, seedlings can be watered more frequently, large meat is still less, because their own conditions are good, beheading or transplanted meat should decide when to water and how much according to the degree of root injury.

Generally speaking, the meat that has just changed the basin and dried its roots is not recommended to be watered on the same day. Start watering a small amount the next day or several days later. If the meat that is moved directly does not hurt the root, it can be watered on the same day or the other day.

Generally speaking, many meat lovers will use bamboo swabs or cotton swabs to determine the amount of watering by looking at the degree of dryness and wetness. As we all know, although the flowers are beautiful, it is difficult to maintain, and it has been done for ten years. In fact, this method is not applicable to everyone, because of the differences in varieties and the different demand for water. There is also a gap in the degree of dryness and wetness of pots.

I suggest that I slowly learn to estimate, according to their own environment, as well as temperature and humidity to determine the number of watering times and water, and then use their hands to try the weight of the basin, nothing to try a few, so that you have a general idea.

There is also according to the growth of succulent to decide, watering is best to choose soaking basin, soaking basin is easy, but also can control the amount of water, plant absorption will also be better, the following picture is my network to find, but I also do this, you can try.

My way is usually to sprinkle flowers directly, but I always sprinkle water in the evening, so that there will be no more water on the leaves all night, and there will be no problem of direct sunburn the next morning. In fact, even if there are drops of water, I won't get sunburned. at least I'm fine.

There are almost no dark conditions in summer, and I prevent pests in advance. Everyone must be prepared for insect pests in the peak growing season of spring and autumn, so as to prevent them from being caught off guard. )

The problem of watering is actually very simple. If you take good care of your hands, the meat will be very healthy. Good meat must first be healthy, and then you can control the water in autumn and hot summer to make them beautiful and out of shape, otherwise they will die collectively to show you before you see them become beautiful.

Below, I would like to introduce to you a small watering artifact made by yourself. many people will buy this kind of professional watering kettle, which is actually not necessary. the picture below is my own watering gadget, a simple bottle cap and a needle cap (most clinics can ask for one, plus an infusion tube).

Cut off the top of the needle cap, use electric soldering iron or scissors to make a round hole in the bottle cap, not too big, the needle cap is stuffed from the inside, so that the groove at the other end will be docked with the bottle cap, and the watering will not leak out, as long as the round hole is not bigger than the needle cap. If you want to make a dripping pot, connect an infusion tube inside and ok it.

Watering artifact

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