
Rational Management and Protection of Grape Vigour Water and Fertilizer Management after Harvest

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rational Management and Protection of Grape Vigour Water and Fertilizer Management after Harvest

1. Prevent and cure diseases and insects and protect autumn leaves. First of all, attention should be paid to minimizing the damage to the leaves when harvesting grapes. In addition, under normal circumstances, the old leaves should be used as little as possible or not. In the later stage of growth, the use of pesticide and sulfur preparation should be strictly controlled to prevent premature aging of grape leaves and reduce photosynthetic efficiency. After fruit picking, the main diseases and insect pests harmful to grape leaves are downy mildew, powdery mildew, airborne dust, etc., which can be sprayed once every 10 days with 3000 times of ethyl phosphorus aluminum or 1000 times of red poison mold to prevent downy mildew and powdery mildew.

Postharvest grape management

2. Rational fertilization and restoration of tree vigor. After grape harvest, timely application of sufficient post-harvest fertilizer, combined with spraying 2-3 times of 0.3% urea or 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, can effectively improve the photosynthetic efficiency of grape leaves, restore tree vigor and increase tree nutrition. In the grape orchard with more fruits and weaker tree vigor, appropriate amount of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer can be added, such as decomposed human manure, pig manure water, urea, etc. Base fertilizer is the most important grape fertilizer, practice shows that autumn base fertilizer, the earlier the better. Under normal circumstances, mu with 3000-5000 kg fully decomposed soil manure, manure, compost, add 20 kg calcium superphosphate mixed, open the ditch into, after the application of soil cover, and irrigation through water.

Third, remove the core and wipe the tip to prevent excessive growth. The excessive growth of branches will consume a lot of nutrients of grape trees. It is necessary to pick the core and remove the auxiliary shoots to control their growth, reduce nutrient consumption, promote the main vines and the reserved auxiliary shoots to be strong, and the buds to be full and full. Also can spray 0.05% than long solution inhibition Wang long. At the same time, it is necessary to prune the branches reasonably, leaving more thick branches, less thin branches, over-dense branches, thin branches and diseased branches as soon as possible.

4. Cultivate and loosen the soil and clean the orchard. Due to frequent picking, the soil is easy to be solid. After fruit picking, intertillage and loosening should be carried out immediately to increase soil permeability and promote new roots. In addition, in combination with autumn and winter pruning, the dead leaves, pests and dead fruits in the vineyard should be thoroughly removed and destroyed in a centralized manner, so as to reduce the base number of overwintering pests and diseases and reduce the pests and diseases in the next year.

5. Reduce damage and prevent winter buds. In some places, after harvesting grapes, a large number of accessory shoots and old leaves will be cut off. This measure not only affects the maturity of branches in the current year, but also easily forces winter buds, which seriously affects the growth and fruit of grapes in the next year. Generally, leaves will not be picked and shoots will be removed after harvest, and healthy branches and leaves will be retained as much as possible. At the same time, attention should be paid to preventing mechanical damage to grape branches and leaves during field operation to ensure normal aging of vines.