
These 8 kinds of flowers like to drink Rain Water, the more they grow stronger and stronger in the rain!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, it has been raining all over the country. Huahua has been raining heavily for two days! Are the florists busy moving the flowers home? Today, Huahua introduces you to several kinds of flowers. I like drinking Rain Water in the rain best. the more it rains, the more jubilant it grows!


If you must raise a pot of flowers in summer, you will definitely choose jasmine! The jasmine watered in rainy days blossoms so much and fragrant!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Put the jasmine outside when it rains. If it rains for a short time, observe the dry and wet conditions in the basin after the rain. If it is not drenched, you must pour it through yourself.

2. If you encounter continuous rainy weather, don't let jasmine stay outside all the time, because improper drainage will cause stagnant water and rot the roots, and the loss outweighs the gain.

What if there is a shortage of water?

If the jasmine at home is short of water, the leaves will wilt and the bud will droop. At this time, you need to immediately pour water, put it in a ventilated place, wait for the leaves to return to normal, and then put them in the sun for maintenance.


In the city where Huahua lives, there are many hydrangeas on the roadside. Every time it rains, the hydrangeas that drink enough water are all in high spirits!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Hydrangea can be put outdoors in the rain on rainy days. When there is no rain, it can be watered once a day. When the temperature is above 30 degrees, it is best to water once in the morning and evening.

2. If you want hydrangea to be irrigated by Rain Water all the time, the drainage of the soil must be good. Florists can choose to prepare garden soil, coconut bran and particles at the ratio of 2:2:1, so that Hydrangea won't die because the soil holds too much water.

What if there is a shortage of water?

After the lack of water, the Hydrangea leaf drooped down and had no spirit, so it was immediately watered through. If the leaves droop in the afternoon, it may be caused by high temperature, just spray water to the leaves, do not water.


The leaves of the purple leaf sorrel are like a flying butterfly, and the flowering period is as long as 8 months. after being caught in the rain, wait for the little flowers to burst.

Key points of maintenance:

1. Purple leaf sorrel likes a humid environment. Proper exposure to the rain can make the grass grow more vigorously. When there is no rain, you can spray more water on the leaves to improve the humidity.

2. After being caught in the rain, we must pay attention to the drainage of sorrel grass. Too much water in the basin will cause the bulb to rot and cause the whole basin to die.

What if there is a shortage of water?

The purple leaf grass will soften its leaves as soon as it is short of water. Flower friends can fill a pot slightly larger than the flowerpot with 5cm deep water and soak the sorrel in the pot for a few minutes. After half a day or so, the sorrel will return to normal.

Wind and rain orchid

From the name of Fengyulan, we can know how much it likes Rain Water. After a heavy rain, Fengyulan will be like a flowering machine, full of flowers!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Water once in the morning and evening when it doesn't rain to keep the soil moist. If it rains, let it be soaked in the rain.

2. Although Fengyulan likes to be caught in the rain outdoors, when it encounters a sunny day with better light after the rain, you must remember to shade, otherwise the scorching sun will burn the leaves of Fengyulan.

What if there is a shortage of water?

When the orchid is short of water, the leaves are easy to turn yellow and the leaves become soft. After discovering this kind of situation, should pour the water in time, and remove the yellowing leaves.

Blue snowflake

When it comes to summer flowers that like big water and big sun, there must be blue snowflakes! Give enough water and sunshine, blue snow can blow away non-stop!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Too dry environment will affect the blooming of blue snow, so rest assured to keep it outdoors on rainy days and let it accept enough Rain Water.

2. Blue snowflakes are notoriously fond of light. As long as the water supply is ensured, there will be no problem with summer exposure. Put it outside and let it enjoy the sunshine and Rain Water!

What if there is a shortage of water?

The leaves of blue snow are so thin that they are easy to sunburn when they are short of water. Found that blue snow leaves sunburn traces, it is necessary to timely watering supplement, can play a certain role in recovery, but sunburn is irreparable, so do not let blue snowflakes lack of water.


Fusang, also known as Zhu Jin, can blossom all year round. If you want to help mulberry blossom more in summer, water is indispensable!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Flower friends with exposed conditions can directly put mulberry outside for maintenance and accept Rain Water's watering. In the absence of Rain Water, water once a day, one in the morning and one in the evening in dog days.

2. Although Fusang likes water, it avoids waterlogging. If there is too much water in the basin, it is easy to rot the roots, so remember to drain water after rain, and usually water it thoroughly.

What if there is a shortage of water?

Once the Fusang is short of water, it will drop the bud, and the leaves are easy to bend and droop. If the leaves wilt slightly, spray water to the leaves or put a basin of water around the flowers, and then water the ineffective flowers or soak them directly.

Bowl lotus

If you want to say that you can't grow without water for a moment, you can't do without bowl lotus! The bowl lotus is good-looking but not delicate at all, and the more it gets caught in the rain, the more jubilant it becomes!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Bowl lotus wants to blossom big and well, as long as it is not rainy weather, Huahua is recommended to be kept outdoors for maintenance. After the outdoor rain, the lotus leaves will be fuller and less prone to yellowing.

2. If the leaves of the bowl lotus are very dense, it is easy to be poorly ventilated after being caught in the rain, resulting in rotten leaves. Therefore, it is usually necessary to carry out proper pruning to keep the blades ventilated.

What if there is a shortage of water?

When a bowl of lotus is short of water, the leaves are easily sunburned and withered. Add water immediately and remove sunburned and withered leaves. As long as the leaves floating on the water are healthy, they can continue to grow.

Tongqian grass

The last introduction of the flower is the copper money grass, how much the copper money grass likes water, needless to say, the leaves of the copper money grass irrigated by Rain Water are all big!

Key points of maintenance:

1. The copper grass that accepts the rain had better be half-soil and half-water. When there is no Rain Water, you can water it 1-2 times a day. Don't worry that the grass will be waterlogged to death.

2. After being caught in the rain, if the grass grows too well and blossoms, it is recommended to cut off the flowers. Flowering consumes a lot of nutrients, and if it is too late to replenish fertilizer in the rain, it is easy to affect the growth of Rabdosia angustifolia.

What if there is a shortage of water?

As soon as the grass is short of water, the whole stem and leaves will wilt. As long as it is watered through, it will slowly recover. If the stem has drooped so that it can't stand up at all, shave its head and leave a section of the stem to let it grow leaves again.

These bucket flowers that like to be caught in the rain

Don't move home if it rains.

I'm full, Rain Water.

Flowers can grow better.