
September is the critical period of autumn melon. How to manage it in order to achieve high efficiency?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, September is the critical period of autumn melon. How to manage it in order to achieve high efficiency?

At present, it is the key period of melon management after autumn. Combined with production practice, the cultivation and management techniques of melon after autumn are summarized as follows:


I. Integration of fertilizer and water management

At present, muskmelon is in the tendril extension period, so it should have a certain soil water holding capacity, which should be kept at 60%~70%. After that, the fruit expansion period is the period with the largest water requirement in the whole growth period of muskmelon. More watering should be done to make the soil water holding capacity reach 80%~85%; after the fruit expansion ends and enters the mature period, watering should be controlled to facilitate sugar accumulation. Fertilization should be carried out at the same time of watering to provide water and fertilizer and maintain a balanced supply of fertilizer and water. Humic acid and biological organic fertilizer should be applied as topdressing fertilizer, and the dosage per mu should be 25kg~30kg each time; high potassium fertilizer should be applied again during fruit expansion period, and the dosage per mu should be 15kg~20kg each time.

Second, temperature control and humidity reduction increase temperature difference

Melon stem and leaf growth period 25℃~30℃ in the day, 16℃~18℃ at night, the most suitable temperature difference between day and night is 10℃~13℃; melon fruiting period day temperature 28℃~30℃, night temperature 15℃~ 18 ℃, the temperature difference between day and night is above 13 ℃, and sufficient sunshine is required. In addition, the relative humidity of air should be reduced by opening and closing the tuyere of the shed, and the air humidity should be 60% in the daytime and 70%~80% at night.

III. Reasonable pruning and branching

After autumn, thick skin melon is cultivated by single vine pruning. Generally, sunny days are selected. All the child vines below 10 nodes of the main vine are removed in time, and the child vines at the 11th ~ 13th nodes are reserved for fruit branches. The two leaves of the child vine are picked. After fruit positioning, the 22nd ~ 25th leaves were topped, the vines grown from each leaf axil were removed as soon as possible, and the old leaves and diseased leaves at the lower part of the plant were taken out of the shed for timely treatment.

IV. Artificial pollination

Generally, flowering time is in the middle of September. Two adjacent female flowers are selected from each plant. Artificial flower-to-flower pollination is carried out within 1 hour to 2 hours after each female flower opens, or the flowers are soaked with chlorfenuron 1 day to 2 days before the female flower opens to promote melon setting. Pollinated for about 1 week, when the young melon egg size, each plant selected to retain a regular fruit shape, fruit a larger young melon as commercial melon. If the growth and development of young melons is not ideal or the flowering period encounters adverse weather such as continuous rain, pollination and retention can be postponed in turn to ensure quality.

Melon pest control

V. Pest control

Adhere to the principle of agricultural control, physical control and biological control, supplemented by chemical control, prevention first and comprehensive control. The main pests of melon growing in greenhouse in autumn are aphids and whiteflies, and the main diseases are powdery mildew, downy mildew, gray mold, bacterial angular spot and virus diseases.

30 ~40 yellow sticky insect plates should be hung at the position 10cm above the plant growth point for aphid and whitefly control. The pesticide can be sprayed alternately with 10% imidacloprid 1500 times solution, bifenthrin 500 times solution and Kinggill AB500 times solution.

Powdery mildew can be sprayed with 37% difenoconazole 10000 times solution and 75% chlorothalonil 500 times solution; downy mildew can be sprayed with 72% downy urea manganese zinc 500 times solution, 80% dimethomorph 2000 times solution and 72% downy carb hydrochloride 1000 times solution; gray mold can be sprayed with 72% clop 500 - 600 times solution and 64% sandufan 500 times solution. Bacterial angular spot disease can be sprayed with 72% agricultural streptomycin 1500 times solution, 53.8% copper hydroxide 1000 times solution ~1500 times solution, 50% copper succinate wettable powder 500 times solution, 15% tetramycin 600 times solution; virus disease can be sprayed with pesticides such as 20% copper guineacetate 1000 times solution, 4% Ningnanmycin 500 times solution, 4% pyrithromycin 500 times solution. In cloudy and rainy days inconvenient for melon foliar spray, can use isoprocarb, chlorothalonil and other smoke agent fumigation shed.