
Bagging technology and management of kiwifruit against fruit exposure and insect damage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bagging technology and management of kiwifruit against fruit exposure and insect damage

First, prepare before bagging

Remove deformed fruit, flat fruit, small fruit, pest fruit, etc., keep the young fruit with strong pedicel and well developed, and leave about 40 kiwifruit per square meter in the adult orchard. After the young fruit is selected, the sundries attached to the young fruit will be carefully removed. Irrigation with small water border irrigation, generally before bagging, appropriate irrigation, so that the soil water content is maintained at about 70% of the maximum capacity in the field. Before bagging, spray fungicide once, and the time interval between bagging and bagging is not more than 3 days, it is best to spray on the same day, bagging on the same day, you can choose low-toxic and low-residual agents such as 80% Dasheng MUE 45 wettable powder 800 times liquid, etc., do not choose emulsion, easy to leave spots on the fruit surface, after the liquid is dry, you can bag.

Kiwifruit bagging

Second, bagging technology

1, the choice of bag: kiwifruit bagged yellow single-layer wood pulp bag requires strong shading, good air permeability, low water absorption, strong tension resistance, soft paper, two air holes should be left at the bottom of the bag, or the bottom is not sealed, the general specification is 165mm × 115mm.

2. Bagging period: bagging should be carried out about 30 days after kiwifruit falling flower, and it will take 10-15 days to finish bagging. Bagging is carried out after the dew is dry in the morning, or after the liquid is dry, it is suitable for 9:00-11:30 and 4:00-6:30 in sunny days, but not immediately after rain. Bagging is too early, easy to hurt the peel, which is not conducive to the development of young fruit; bagging too late, the fruit surface is rough, affecting the bagging effect, fruit stalk Lignification is not easy to operate.

3. Bagging method: the paper bag should be placed in a wet place the night before bagging to soften the bag so as to tighten the mouth of the bag. The bagging operation steps are as follows: holding the paper bag with the left hand and opening the bag mouth with the right hand to make the bag body bulge and open the ventilation and water discharge holes at the two corners of the bottom of the bag; the bag mouth is upward, the hands hold the bottom of the bag mouth 2-3 cm, and the kiwifruit is put into the bag, and the fruit handle is stuck at the base of the opening in the middle of the bag mouth; fold the bag mouth horizontally from the left and right to the middle, fold together, tie the wire into a "V" shape, clip the bag mouth, and complete the bagging. After bagging, if you encounter high temperature weather (the temperature is higher than 38 ℃), you should open the bag vent for ventilation and lower the temperature in the bag.

Third, management after bagging

1. Check bags regularly: check the growth of bagged kiwifruit regularly, investigate and record the growth, diseases and insect pests of kiwifruit, and prescribe the right medicine to find broken bags and replace them in time.

2, timely irrigation: long-term dry weather, high temperature in the bag, easy to cause kiwifruit sunburn, balanced and timely irrigation. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent retting roots.

3. Remove the bag at the right time: 7 days before harvest, remove the fruit bag and improve the color of the fruit surface. In case of overcast and rainy weather, bag removal and harvest can be postponed to prevent Rain Water from polluting kiwifruit noodles.