
What are the ways to improve the efficiency of farm manure?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What are the ways to improve the efficiency of farm manure? Please introduce the ways to increase the efficiency of farm manure. If you want to improve the efficiency of farm manure, please refer to the following methods: 1. Add fine dry soil, turf and other highly adsorptive substances to human feces and urine. Human feces and urine has high nutrient content, fast decomposition and rapid fertilizer effect, but it is easy to lose.

What are the ways to improve the efficiency of farm manure? Please introduce the ways to increase the efficiency of farm manure. If you want to improve the efficiency of farm manure, please refer to the following methods: 1. Add fine dry soil, turf and other highly adsorptive substances to human feces and urine. Human feces and urine has high nutrient content, fast decomposition and rapid fertilizer effect, but it is easy to lose. If dry soil, turf and other substances with strong adsorption capacity are put into the fecal tank as mulch or mixed in fecal urine to absorb urine and ammonia, nitrogen loss can be greatly reduced. According to the experiment, adding 25% fine dry soil to human feces and urine can reduce nitrogen loss by 10%. two。 Add calcium superphosphate to human feces and urine. Adding 3% to 5% calcium superphosphate in human feces and urine can not only reduce nitrogen loss, but also increase nutrients such as phosphorus in human feces and urine. 3. Add ferrous sulfate to human feces and urine. Every 50 kilograms of human feces and urine add 250 grams of 300 grams of ferrous sulfate to protect nitrogen and prevent odor. 4. Add gypsum powder to human feces and urine. Add 5 kg of cooked gypsum powder and 25 kg of water to 50 kg of human feces and urine, mix evenly, seal for 10 days and apply. 5. Add soybean powder to fresh cow dung. Add 50 grams of soybean powder to every 50 kg of fresh cow dung, mix well in a tank, seal at 25 ℃ for 3 to 5 days, and apply to 3 times the amount of water. 6. Add calcium superphosphate to the circle fertilizer. Adding 2% calcium superphosphate to the circle fertilizer, stirring evenly and storing it for about 20 days, the fertilizer efficiency can be more than doubled. 7. Composting of farm manure and phosphate fertilizer can also improve the efficiency of phosphate fertilizer. This is because the carbon dioxide and organic acids produced during the decomposition of farm manure are helpful to the transformation of insoluble phosphorus compounds in phosphate fertilizer. at the same time, humic acid in farm fertilizer has strong adsorption and substitution properties. it can combine with iron, aluminum, calcium and other metal ions in the soil to form complexes, so as to activate and protect phosphorus and improve the utilization rate. According to research, the application of mixed compost of phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer can increase the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer by 10% to 30%. Among them, the mixed composting of phosphate rock powder and barnyard manure for 30 days can increase weak acid-soluble phosphorus by 67.6%. Phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer mixed compost, the proportion of adding calcium superphosphate is generally 2%-3%, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer accounts for about 5%, phosphate rock powder accounts for 5%-10%. Click to get more organic fertilizer application technology click to get more fertilizer application technology