
Raise jasmine flowers three crops a year to do a good job of these points, your home can also burst pots

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I like potted jasmine at first because of its faint fragrance. Really raised it, for a long time, more feelings. Keep a pot in front of the window, several crops of flowers in a year quietly blooming, fragrance of the whole house. There is jasmine floating in the house.

I like potted jasmine at first because of its faint fragrance. Really raised it, for a long time, more feelings. Keep a pot in front of the window, several crops of flowers in a year quietly blooming, fragrance of the whole house. It's good to have jasmine fragrance at home, but not everyone can keep potted jasmine blooming one crop after another.

To make potted jasmine blossom more, we must first understand the flowering period of jasmine. Generally, jasmine florescence is divided into three stages. The first stage is in June (moldy flowers), the second stage is from July to August (excellent flowers), and the third stage is from September to October (autumn flowers). Among the three flowering stages, the flowering quality at the optimal flowering stage is the best. Because in the pregnant bud flowering period, the longer the sunshine time, the higher the intensity, the better the blossom, large flowers, a large number of flowers, strong fragrance.

If you want potted jasmine to bloom more, you need to do the following:

1. Enough light: Jasmine potted plant is a typical positive flower, which is said to be "immortal jasmine". Jasmine potted plants grow vigorously in summer and need to bask in the sun. If the light is insufficient, the leaves will become bigger and thinner, the leaf color will become light green, the flowering will be few and the aroma will be poor. Under the premise of ensuring moisture, full-day sunshine is the best, if there is sufficient sunshine, there are many flowers with luxuriant leaves and leaves, while under low temperature shading, the leaves are thin, flowers are thin and branches are thin.

2. Flood: Jasmine potted plant has shallow and well-developed roots, luxuriant branches and leaves, high temperature and large evaporation in summer, and is not resistant to drought, so the soil can not be too dry, but it should not be muddy. Try to choose breathable clay and porcelain pots as far as possible. The premise of flood is that the soil aggregate structure is good, loose and ventilated. The principle of flood irrigation is to see dry and wet, dry and thoroughly irrigated.

3. Big fertilizer: jasmine potted plant has long growth cycle, large annual growth and repeated branch and flowering, fast nutrient consumption and high nutrient demand. If the nutrients can not keep up, the growth will be thin, the branches and leaves will be thin and the flowers will be few. The premise of big fertilizer is mainly rotten organic fertilizer, such as rapeseed cake water (topdressing), poultry and fish visceral water (topdressing), supplemented by chemical fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The method of fertilization is to apply it in the evening on a sunny day during the growing period, and water it in the early morning of the next day, about once a week during the growing period.

4. Pruning: summer jasmine potted plants grow fast and should be pruned in time to promote how long and sturdy new shoots; if the new branches are growing vigorously, they should be heart-picked when growing 10 centimeters to make the plant type compact. Once the flowers wither, they should be cut off in time to reduce nutrient consumption and promote new shoots, so that they have dense branches, more buds and more flowers.

Note: after each pot flower fade, the residual flowers should be removed in time, and the long branches should be trimmed properly. Fertilizer should also be applied once; if you pursue the quality of flowers, the first flowers should be removed each year to ensure that the flowers are more and fragrant for the second time. In general, diseases and insect pests are caused by weak potted plants and poor ventilation, while strong plants rarely occur, so we must pay attention to strengthening ventilation. Fertilization should be stopped in the first ten days of September to facilitate the Lignification of branches and to survive the winter.

More tricks, please pay attention to the tricks, sister!

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