
Hydrangea grows greener and greener? In this way, you can still drive after trimming the autumn.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Recently, the weather is not good, many flower friends' hydrangeas in their homes have become green. This is a relatively common phenomenon. Today, Huahua will analyze why hydrangeas turn green and how to raise them after turning green. Why does hydrangea change?

Recently, the weather is not good, many flower friends' hydrangeas in their homes have become green. This is a relatively common phenomenon. Today, Huahua will analyze why hydrangeas turn green and how to raise them after turning green.

Why does hydrangea turn green?

Flower cultivation Daquan

1. Variety problem

Some varieties of hydrangea itself are green, such as German Regula, Fujimoto hydrangea, Hydrangea and so on.

2. Natural discoloration

Some hydrangeas change color over time, such as blue and red at the beginning, then green over a long period of time, which means the flowers are almost gone, while others are green at the beginning and slowly change from green to red and blue.

3. Climate impact

Hydrangea likes a stable growth environment, if there is a sudden high temperature and humidity weather, the color will change, may become yellowish green, may also be other colors.

4. Green valve disease

When the soil alkalinity is too strong, hydrangea is easy to be infected with green petal disease, the color of inflorescence gradually fades, gradually turns into yellowish green, and flowers become smaller and stop blooming.

What if the hydrangea turns green?

Flower cultivation Daquan

According to the different reasons for turning green, the solutions are also different, there are mainly two types.

First, turn green naturally: cut off the flower branches

Hydrangea slowly turns green from other colors, indicating that the flowers will soon be withered. Cut off the green branches directly to save nutrients and will soon grow new buds.

1. Pruning time

The best time for pruning is from the middle of July to the first ten days of August, when the summer flowers blossom to the stage of budding, that is, the stage of flower bud differentiation.

If the pruning is postponed to September, the flower buds may be cut off and the flowers will not bloom next year.

2. Pruning position

The new buds grow at the base of the petiole, and the first and second nodes under the remnant flowers will not grow new buds, so when pruning, cut from the top of the bud point below, about 2cm from the lower point, and keep the 2 nodes on the ground.

3. Pay attention

The more timely the pruning, the faster the plant recovery, the more flowers will be in the next stage, and the color will be better. Of course, if you like green flowers, you don't have to cut them.

Second, diseased green: regulating acid

If the petals turn green because of infection with green petals, it needs timely prevention and treatment!

1. Cut off diseased branches

Cut off the diseased flower branches in time, destroy them, and clean up the fallen leaves of the surrounding weeds.

2. Adjust the pH.

Powdered alum can be sprinkled on the soil surface, through each watering, let the soil slowly adjust acid; you can also spray 500 times 1000 times the liquid of ferrous sulfate solution, the color will slowly turn blue-purple.

How to maintain hydrangea in summer?

Flower cultivation Daquan

Hydrangea encountered high temperature weather, easy to dehydrate and wilt, leaves drooping, summer maintenance is very important!

1. Shade and sunscreen

The strong light in summer will lighten the color and shorten the florescence of hydrangea, preferably in a cool, ventilated place or shade of about 65%.

2. Watering

Water evaporates quickly in summer, in addition to watering enough water, but also spray water to the leaves every day, basin soil to keep moist, but do not accumulate water, otherwise the roots will rot.

3. Fertilization

Applying thin cake fertilizer and water every 15 to 20 days at flowering stage and 0.5% superphosphate solution at bud stage can make the flowers large and colorful.

4. Pest control

Hydrangea is easy to be infected with anthracnose and leaf spot in summer. When infection is found, diseased branches and leaves should be cut off immediately, and roots and leaves should be irrigated with 500-fold carbendazim or chlorothalonil, once every 5-7 days, 3 times in a row.

Flower friends, are your hydrangeas still in bloom?

Are there any green petals?

Share with you how you solved it!
