
This kind of flower will spit out small beads, bloom 100 at a time, raise a pot of flowers and bloom for 300 days.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The shape of the dragon spitting beads is very peculiar. When the flowers bloom, the Corolla protrudes from the flowers, just like the dragon spitting beads, hence the name. Longtuzhu is a climbing shrub of Verbenaceae, which can grow up to 5 meters long, with elegant and refined flowers and a large number of flowers.

Dragon spit pearl flower type is very strange, when the flower opens, corolla extends from the flower, just like dragon spit pearl, hence the name. Dragon Tuzhu is a climbing shrub of Verbenaceae, which can grow to 5 meters long. The flowers are elegant and refined, and the flowers are very large. The maintenance is good. If the environment is suitable, it can be opened from May to December. Many flower friends are attracted by Dragon Tuzhu flowers.

Dragon spit beads "

- Soil-

Longtuzhu likes loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil. The commonly used soil mixture is 4 parts of moldy soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of coarse sand and 1 part of organic fertilizer.

- Watering-

Dragon spit bead growth period to maintain sufficient water, can keep the basin soil moist, but do not accumulate water. Also cannot be too wet for a long time, can wait for basin soil surface to turn white after watering again. Too much water may cause branches and leaves to grow too long and not bloom, or even rotten roots and leaves to fall. Summer high temperature should pay attention to shade cooling, timely supplement moisture. Winter can be appropriately dry, conducive to winter.

- Light-

Dragon Tuzhu likes sunny environment, lack of light will make branches grow excessively, flower bud differentiation will be affected. At temperatures above 21 ° C, flowers will fall if they are kept in the dark for more than 24 hours. In summer, when the sun is strong, pay attention to shade, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellow, and in winter, they can be placed in the sun for maintenance.

- Temperature-

Dragon Tuzhu likes warm environment, suitable growth temperature is 18-30℃, not cold, winter temperature can not be lower than 8℃, 5℃ below easy to appear freezing injury, stem and leaf frostbite, deciduous, withered.

- Fertilization-

Longtuzhu should be applied with thin fertilizer frequently, and fertilizer can be applied once every half month, and 1-2 phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can be added before flowering. Stop fertilizing in winter. If the phenomenon of leaf yellowing occurs during cultivation, it can be combined with fertilization, and 0.2% ferrous sulfate water can be applied once a week until the leaves turn from yellow to green.

- Trim-

After the dragon spit bead grows to about 15cm, it can cut off the terminal bud, promote the lateral branches, and usually it can be appropriately truncated to control the plant height to achieve the goal of short plant, luxuriant leaves and many flowers.

- Breeding-

Dragon spit beads can be used for cuttage and seeding propagation. Long Tuzhu seed life is short, that is, sowing after harvest, temperature is maintained at 24℃, 10 days can emerge, because sowing propagation is not easy to survive, so cutting propagation is more.

Dragon Tuzhu cuttage is generally carried out in May to June, select healthy branches, cut into small sections of about 10cm, inserted in loose matrix, generally at about 20-25 degrees Celsius is more conducive to rooting, generally inserted about 3 weeks after rooting.

Dragon spit pearl flower beautiful, maintenance and simple

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