
A flash of inspiration: Let the meaty girl fall in love with the stone brother

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Preface Focus on Encyclopedia·Meet Beautiful (WeChat signal: duoroubaike) Text Start: Thank the author [xionghua] for the original contribution sharing Submission Date: 2018-06-20 Editor: Encyclopedia Coordinates: Hubei Province Jingmen City several...


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Thank the author [xionghua] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: 2018-06-20

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Jingmen City, Hubei Province

Several pots of succulent plants are placed on the south windowsill of the office, where fengshui is very good, succulent plants can be basked in the shade, and it looks good in just a few days. My colleague appreciated it for a long time and said that she had several empty pots at home and wanted to plant succulent plants again. She asked me about my knack for growing succulent plants. I scratched my head and asked her, is there any stone in your house? If so, before planting succulent plants, you can put a stone in the flowerpot, regardless of beauty and ugliness, as long as the stone is prominent enough, and then spread soil into the pot along the stone gap and plant it. A few days later, the succulent plant takes root in the pot, and every time it is watered, it is watered along the stone to ensure that your succulent plant is getting more and more beautiful. She already loves flowers, and she has grown too much meat before, but she always dies. At this point, I felt Maosai opened, and soon she asked me to look at the Taihu Lake stone on her mobile phone. I said, sister, you are in too much of a hurry. We can pick it up everywhere by the side of the mountain.

Through the ages, "stone" is closely related to human development, and the history of human civilization begins from the Stone Age. How many touching stories such as the stone of mending the sky are inextricably linked with the stone, there is a good saying, "there are still many things, such as the explanation, and the stone is the most lovely."

For the sake of the psychic Baoyu around the neck of Baoyu, the paper is full of absurd words and bitter tears. The author of Duyun is crazy, who understands the taste. "at the beginning of the" psychic "stone (Baoyu), twelve women are intelligent and beautiful and have different personalities, but it is hard to predict the tragic fate of" a thousand red cries "," thousands of beautiful sorrows "and" white really clean ".

The dream of the Red House is full of passers-by in the world of mortals. Baoyu Daiyu is like a friend for the first time, but she sits with her colleagues in the day and ends with her breath at night. Jia Baoyu sleepwalks too much fantasy, fairy music occasionally, in which "lifelong mistake" in the first two sentences are: all the way is a golden marriage, I only read the former alliance of wood and stone. Wood refers to Daiyu's crimson pearl fairy grass, stone refers to Baoyu's stubborn stone. Tongling Baoyu and crimson pearl fairy grass have a previous alliance of wood and stone. Shenying waiter irrigated crimson pearl grass with nectar water to change its human shape and turn it into a crimson pearl fairy. In order to repay the virtue of irrigation, the Crimson Pearl Fairy is willing to go down to the world with Shenying waiter and return his tears for the rest of his life. Stone is alive in the pen, proud, untamed, crazy, they are flesh and blood, become some experience, a little lesson.

My succulent is common goods, such as purple music, white peony, rainbow jade, Huangli, Ji Yueyue, etc., easy to grow, black rot, but also secretly grow scale insects, but can be cut, leaves can be cut, explosive cubs, winter to spring, succulent babies still grow several large pots.

Exquisite such as Dishuiyan, Taihu Stone, Yuhua Stone and so on, there are many kinds, all of which are masterpieces of nature. There are also some ordinary stones, some of which occasionally show towering corners at the roots of the trees in the depths of the mountains, and some are gathered around by the swift water, whether they are noisy and warm, or quiet and indifferent. All these mulberry trees seem to have nothing to do with them.

There are a lot of fist-sized stones in the house, which are picked up from all over the country and used to press the roots of daffodil balls. Now that you like succulent plants, you don't grow daffodils, and the stones are thrown in the corner. Let the succulent girl stand beside the stone brother, come from the flash of inspiration. A succulent girl was lazy and developed a rickety appearance after a rain, and then other succulent girls could not follow suit, so I found a few Xiangxi stones from a pile of stones in the corner to give them pillows, which suddenly became a lot of beauty, and all the shortcomings of idleness became something to watch.

Peach egg two sisters, one leaf is long and pointed, the other is short and round.

Gorgeous Sunshine, Rainbow Jade, Winter Beauty small platter

Sirius and her cub, I think, in a few years, the cub will be able to compete with its mother.

Without the stone brothers, it's hard to imagine what these little wild girls would be like!

The side bud of the old ship is as mischievous as a monkey and needs a stone to help with the tube.

Lan Song has a stone as a backing, full of domineering!

Yulu and stone are both small.

Let me be surprised at any time when the fairy has a single head.

They are all varieties with difficulties in spending the summer.

A black stone, two lambs, three pieces of meat, there is a small world in the manger basin.

The three apple leaves from the live broadcast room are the most expensive meat I have ever bought.

Put it together with leaves and seedlings.

Another pot of leaves to plant seedlings.

The red sun glow.

Leaf cuttings and round leaf perennial grass.

Leaf cuttings and Little Stone Hill. The leaf cuttings are too weak to withstand the wind and rain, and Little Stone Hill can cover them for a while.

Succulent in the sun.

The stones that were once abandoned are now used, because with succulent, ugly stones become more beautiful and beautiful stones are more gorgeous.

Compared with other plants I have planted, succulent plants are simply too easy to worry about. They don't need much care. Just give it to time.

Succulent culture needs you and me to promote it! Remember to share more articles to make more people fall in love with succulent plants! Use the power of plants to influence and heal the people around us!

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