
Methods of culture, protection and management of potted Artemisia mongolica

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The method of breeding and protection management of money tree is a question often asked by netizens. Here is a brief summary of the cultivation method of potted money tree. It is important to keep the money tree well and be familiar with its growth habits. Artemisia mandshurica is a perennial evergreen herb, belonging to the genus Araceae.

The cultivation and protection management method of money tree is a question often asked by netizens. The following is a brief summary of the cultivation method of potted money tree. It's important to keep a good knowledge of the growing habits of money trees. Money tree is perennial evergreen herb, belonging to Araceae snow taro genus, is extremely rare with underground tuber foliage plants, native to the tropical (grass source) climate zone with less rainfall in eastern Africa, warm and hot slightly dry, semi-overcast and annual temperature change environment, relatively drought resistant, but cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of heavy soil viscosity and pot soil ponding, if the pot soil permeability is poor easy to cause its tubers to rot. The soil should be loose, fertile, well drained, rich in organic matter, acidic to slightly acidic. Germination is strong, after cutting off thick compound leaves, the tuber tip will soon produce new leaves. Specific conservation and management methods are described as follows:


The suitable temperature for growth is 20~32℃. Whether it is potted or planted in the field, the annual average temperature change is required to be small. Productive cultivation is best carried out in a temperature-controlled greenhouse. Every summer, when the temperature reaches above 35℃, the plant growth is not good, we should cover the black net to shade and spray water to the surrounding environment to cool down, so as to create a suitable space temperature and dry environment for it. In winter, it is best to maintain the greenhouse temperature above 10℃. If the room temperature is lower than 5℃, it is easy to cause cold damage to plants and seriously endanger their survival. In late autumn and early winter, when the temperature drops below 8 ° C, it should be moved to a room with sufficient light in time, and the temperature should be kept between 8 ° C and 10 ° C throughout the winter period.


Money tree likes light and has strong shade tolerance, so it should create a sunny environment with a certain degree of shade. It avoids direct sunlight, especially in late spring and early summer after a long rain and early sunny sun exposure and summer noon around 5 to 6 hours without shelter from strong light baking, otherwise it is easy to cause the newly extracted young leaves to be burned. During productive cultivation, from late spring to mid-autumn, it should be placed under 50~70% shade, but it should not be too dark, otherwise it will lead to slender new tender leaves, yellow leaves and sparse leaflet spacing, thus affecting the compact beauty of the plant. For potted plants moved to the shed in winter, supplementary light should be given. The water content of the basin soil is kept dry, and the plants can be kept disease-free for many years. The pinnately compound leaves of the new flower did not show obvious phototaxis, and the plant type was good.


In order to preserve potted money trees, efforts should be made to create a wet and dry environment for them. In productive cultivation, plants placed in greenhouses should be sprayed with water once a day when the room temperature reaches above 33℃. Because the plant has strong drought tolerance, it is better to keep the pot soil slightly wet and dry, but occasionally excessive irrigation and fertilizer will not cause root rot. In winter, we should pay attention to spraying water on the leaves and surrounding environment, so that the relative air humidity reaches more than 50%. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, water should be reduced, or water should be sprayed instead, so as to spend the winter safely with new tender leaves. In addition, in winter, special attention should be paid to the pot soil not to be too wet, to be dry as well, otherwise under low temperature conditions, the pot soil is too wet more easily lead to plant root rot, or even whole plant death


Due to the special climate conditions of the original place of origin, it has formed a strong drought resistance, so the basic requirement for cultivation substrate is good permeability. The basic requirement of culture substrate is good permeability. Cultivation substrate is mixed with peat, coarse sand or washed cinder and a small amount of garden soil, and its pH value is adjusted to 6~6.5, showing a slightly acidic state. Because of its large tubers, developed roots, long pinnate compound leaves, the growth season should be observed in time to decide whether to change pots and soil. Always keep the cultivation substrate permeability good, in order to create a good root environment for ventilation and water filtration. Meiyu season to check frequently, found that there is water in the basin when the phenomenon occurs, to promptly give the basin for soil.


In addition to adding proper amount of retting cake fertilizer or multi-element slow release compound fertilizer to the cultivation matrix, the growth season can be irrigated 2~3 times a month. Urea plus 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture, can also be applied balance fertilizer 20-10-20(20-20-20), concentration of 200~250ppm combined with calcium nitrate use. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, in order to make it survive the winter safely, nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be continuously applied for 2~3 times to promote the hardening and enrichment of young leaf axes and newly harvested leaves. When the temperature drops below 15℃, all forms of topdressing should be stopped to avoid causing fertilizer damage under low temperature conditions.

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Cultivation and protection management method of potted money tree

The cultivation and protection management method of money tree is a question often asked by netizens. The following is a brief summary of the cultivation method of potted money tree. It's important to keep a good knowledge of the growing habits of money trees. Money tree is perennial evergreen herb, belonging to Araceae snow taro genus, is extremely rare with underground tuber foliage plants, native to the tropical (grass source) climate zone with less rainfall in eastern Africa, warm and hot slightly dry, semi-overcast and annual temperature change environment, relatively drought resistant, but cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of heavy soil viscosity and pot soil water, if the pot soil permeability is poor easy to cause its tubers to rot. The soil should be loose, fertile, well drained, rich in organic matter, acidic to slightly acidic. Germination is strong, after cutting off thick compound leaves, the tuber tip will soon produce new leaves. Specific conservation and management methods are described as follows:


The suitable temperature for growth is 20~32℃. Whether it is potted or planted in the field, the annual average temperature change is required to be small. Productive cultivation is best carried out in a temperature-controlled greenhouse. Every summer, when the temperature reaches above 35℃, the plant growth is not good, we should cover the black net to shade and spray water to the surrounding environment to cool down, so as to create a suitable space temperature and dry environment for it. In winter, it is best to maintain the greenhouse temperature above 10℃. If the room temperature is lower than 5℃, it is easy to cause cold damage to plants and seriously endanger their survival. In late autumn and early winter, when the temperature drops below 8 ° C, it should be moved to a room with sufficient light in time, and the temperature should be kept between 8 ° C and 10 ° C throughout the winter period.


Money tree likes light and has strong shade tolerance, so it should create a sunny environment with a certain degree of shade. It avoids direct sunlight, especially in late spring and early summer after a long rain and early sunny sun exposure and summer noon around 5 to 6 hours without shelter from strong light baking, otherwise it is easy to cause the newly extracted young leaves to be burned. During productive cultivation, from late spring to mid-autumn, it should be placed under 50~70% shade, but it should not be too dark, otherwise it will lead to slender new tender leaves, yellow leaves and sparse leaflet spacing, thus affecting the compact beauty of the plant. For potted plants moved to the shed in winter, supplementary light should be given. The water content of the basin soil is kept dry, and the plants can be kept disease-free for many years. The pinnately compound leaves of the new flower did not show obvious phototaxis, and the plant type was good.


In order to preserve potted money trees, efforts should be made to create a wet and dry environment for them. In productive cultivation, plants placed in greenhouses should be sprayed with water once a day when the room temperature reaches above 33℃. Because the plant has strong drought tolerance, it is better to keep the pot soil slightly wet and dry, but occasionally excessive irrigation and fertilizer will not cause root rot. In winter, we should pay attention to spraying water on the leaves and surrounding environment, so that the relative air humidity reaches more than 50%. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, water should be reduced, or water should be sprayed instead, so as to spend the winter safely with new tender leaves. In addition, in winter, special attention should be paid to the pot soil not to be too wet, to be dry as well, otherwise under low temperature conditions, the pot soil is too wet more easily lead to plant root rot, or even whole plant death


Because of the special climate conditions in the original place, it has formed strong drought resistance, so the basic requirement for cultivation substrate is good permeability. The basic requirement of culture substrate is good permeability. Cultivation substrate is mixed with peat, coarse sand or washed cinder and a small amount of garden soil, and its pH value is adjusted to 6~6.5, showing a slightly acidic state. Because of its large tubers, developed roots, long pinnate compound leaves, the growth season should be observed in time to decide whether to change pots and soil. Always keep the cultivation substrate permeable, in order to create a good root environment for ventilation and water filtration. Meiyu season to check frequently, found that there is water in the basin when the phenomenon occurs, to promptly give the basin for soil.


In addition to adding proper amount of retting cake fertilizer or multi-element slow release compound fertilizer to the cultivation matrix, the growth season can be irrigated 2~3 times a month. Urea plus 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture, can also be applied balance fertilizer 20-10-20(20-20-20), concentration of 200~250ppm combined with calcium nitrate use. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, in order to make it survive the winter safely, nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be continuously applied for 2~3 times to promote the hardening and enrichment of young leaf axes and newly harvested leaves. When the temperature drops below 15℃, all forms of topdressing should be stopped to avoid causing fertilizer damage under low temperature conditions. pest control

Freezing injury: When the winter temperature drops below 5℃, coupled with the moist basin soil, it is easy to cause plant-like tender leaves to be frozen and inverted. In severe cases, it will cause tuber rot and it is difficult to restore vitality.

Control method: During productive cultivation, the greenhouse temperature should be maintained at not less than 10℃ during winter, and the pot soil should be kept slightly dry.

Burn: In hot summer, or after a long rain sunny weather, or a long time in the indoor just moved to outdoor restoration of potted plants, direct exposure to sunlight, it is easy to cause its fat tender leaves to be burned, causing some of its leaves to lose green and white, or the whole leaf is burned, necrotic part of the late brown and black.

Brown spot disease: This disease occurs mostly on leaves. The spots are nearly round, grayish brown to yellowish brown, and the edges are slightly darker. The disease is easy to occur under the conditions of high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation. Control methods: when a small number of diseased leaves are found, they should be removed and destroyed in time. In the early stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim WP 600 times solution or 40% chlorothalonil suspension 500 times solution should be used. The leaves should be sprayed once every 10 days for 3~4 consecutive times. The control effect is better.

Control methods: summer, timely plant to move to the semi-shady environment, late spring and early summer rain early sunny, should be early to plant potted shade.

Scale insects: in poor ventilation, poor light environment, money tree leaves vulnerable to scale insects sting harm.

Control methods: productive cultivation can be in its peak nymph incubation period, spraying 20% of the 1000-fold solution of Pushiling wettable powder, insecticidal effect is good.

propagation techniques


In April, when the outdoor temperature reaches more than 18℃, the large money tree plants are removed from the pot, most of the old soil is shaken off, the weak joints of the tubers are separated, sulfur powder or plant ash is smeared on the wounds, and the plants are planted in another pot. Do not bury too deep when planting, bury the top of the tuber 1.5~2cm below the soil. In addition, according to the characteristics of latent buds on the tubers of money trees, large single tubers can be divided into small pieces with 2~3 latent buds. After the wounds are cured, they will be buried in slightly moist fine sand first. After the cut tubers grow into independent plants, they will be planted in pots.


Cutting can be used with a single small leaf, a leaf axis plus 2 leaves or a single leaf axis. From the rooting effect, the cuttings with leaf axis and leaves rooted faster, sprouted higher in the north, and opened into larger tubers more easily. A single leaf can be cut on the mixed medium of river sand and vermiculite. After 10~14 days, a small spherical stem with roots can be formed at the base of the leaf. After 2~3 months of cultivation, it can grow into a small plant, but the seedling rate is not high in general. If leaf axis or leaf axis with leaves is used as cutting, the substrate can be general fine sand, peat soil, pearlite and river sand according to 3:1:1, the cutting depth is 1/3~1/2 of the ear length, only leaves are left outside the substrate, water is sprayed and placed in the shade, the environmental temperature is maintained at 25℃~27℃, depending on the dry and wet degree of the substrate, the leaves are sprayed 1~2 times a day, and the substrate is maintained in a slightly wet state. It must not be excessively wet, otherwise the cutting will rot and lead to cutting failure. When the cuttings formed a certain root system, the middle of the root gradually expanded to form spherical tubers, and the tubers gradually enlarged. Some of the younger cutting leaves would wither and die due to high temperature or poor water management, but the tubers could survive, and the mature leaves and cuttings with total petioles could also maintain green and vigor. A few tubers can sprout and grow new leaves in the same year, but the growth potential is weak and slow, and the tubers will grow strong new buds and grow normally in the next year.

(Reporter Anonymous)