
Did you use mosquito repellent ofo today?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, "Oh, it tickles, damn mosquito." At the height of summer when mosquitoes are rampant, are you still worrying about mosquito repellent? Are you still worried about the toxic smell of all kinds of anti-mosquito products? Come and have a look! Here the editor specially prepared several drives for you.

"Oh, it tickles, damn mosquito."

At the height of summer when mosquitoes are rampant, are you still worrying about mosquito repellent?

Are you still worried about the toxic smell of all kinds of anti-mosquito products?

Come and have a look! Here the editor specially prepared several mosquito repellent plants for you, they are all veritable mosquito repellent "ofo", not only as low-carbon and environmentally friendly as sharing bicycles, but also beautiful and safe, it can be said that home is essential!


Mosquito repellent-- born for "mosquito repellent"

Speaking of it, we must be no stranger to it. It can be found in most flower and bird markets. It belongs to the same brother as the common geranium. Look at its lovely palmately divided leaflets and its rich lemon fragrance and special mosquito repellent effect. No wonder it is loved by most people. But did you know it was a genetically modified thing? Today, with the rapid development of biotechnology, botanists introduce citronellal gene from citronella into geranium from Africa through transgenic technology to express and release a large amount of citronellal and alcohols. and these are the main mosquito repellent substances, isn't it amazing! If you have mosquito repellent grass with a crown width of about one foot, it can drive away mosquitoes in 10 square meters! That's how powerful it is! And like light, wet and drought-resistant, it is not spoiled, and it can mature in half a year. If the industrious owner takes good care of it, it can live for several years. Wu Xiaozhi here quietly tells you that as the summer temperature rises, its fragrance will become stronger and stronger. Of course, the mosquito repellent effect will also be better, how to wait for what to start a basin!


Pyrethrum-- the Green Pesticide of Nature

The white tongue-shaped flower on the periphery, golden in the middle, looks like a common Compositae plant, but don't be blinded by its appearance. It originated in Europe, as its name, has a very strong deworming effect, it can be said that its whole body is the nemesis of mosquitoes. The pyrethroid in its flowers is the raw material of a variety of insecticides. The dried stems and leaves are ground and burned, which also has an extraordinary deworming effect. Simple mosquito repellent water can also be used to make dried pyrethrum flowers soaked in water, and its extract has a certain mosquito repellent effect. However, it should be noted that the insecticidal substances contained in the flowers are easy to decompose and fail, and they can be dried quickly after harvest. It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, as a green pesticide of nature, are you also moved?


Ai-- the master of mosquito repellent in traditional Chinese medicine

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the moxa in front of the door exudes a strong aroma, giving the meaning of exorcism and disaster prevention. Dense pilose, thick leaves, oval florets concentrated on the stem, see, this is called "herbal" moxa, is not some lovely! The use of Ai Zhi was recorded earlier than the Classic of Shennong Baicao. Because of its bitter, bitter and warm nature, it was used to regulate qi, dispel dampness and cold, etc., and moxibustion with moxa leaves can remove all diseases. Of course, in addition to medicinal use, mosquito repellent is also good. Several plants are planted in summer. Light volatile aromatic oils can drive mosquitoes well, and the essential oils extracted can be scattered indoors or coated on exposed parts of the body. Mosquito repellent can also be sterilized at the same time! If you have dry moxa, you can also light a little smoke in the room is also a good way to ward off mosquitoes!


Lavender-- calming the mind and repelling mosquitoes "Purple Elf"

Native to the Mediterranean region, have you ever seen its charm? the lilac inflorescences are as long and beautiful as spikelets, and the gray-green leaves are as beautiful as purple blankets in the fields when they bloom. Light smell, a pleasant fragrance, give people a refreshing feeling. You know, this fragrance also has a wonderful use, that is, mosquito repellent, its special aromatic substances are disliked by mosquitoes. You can plant it indoors, or you can make it into a sachet after drying and put it in front of the indoor table, which has the effect of repelling mosquitoes. Even, when taking a bath, pick some petals and put them in the water to take a flower-scented bath. The remaining incense left on the body is not only a fragrance, but also keeps mosquitoes away!


Peppermint-the master of mosquito repellent in spices

Speaking of mint, or more reminiscent of mint, is a refreshing freshness. As a general name of mint in Labiatae, it is widely distributed in north and south, with low-key and implicit creeping growth in cool and humid places. As a representative of aromatic plants, cool fragrance has been widely used by people, often used as spices, embellishment dishes, blending drinks, unique taste. And its peppermint oil and many other volatile substances can achieve a certain mosquito repellent effect, and harmless to the human body. Think about planting a pot of mint in front of the bedroom window at the beginning of summer and spraying some water on the leaves at night, not only to give a cool feeling, but also a lot less mosquitoes! When you go out, pick a few tender leaves to crush and wipe your body or take a bath, which is comparable to mosquito repellent! Of course, in addition to mosquito repellent, soaking water cooking will also give you a different sense of freshness in the hot summer.

Most of these plants have a special volatile smell, and mosquitoes hate these substances and choose to stay away, which achieves the goal of repelling mosquitoes. In fact, essential oils from these plants can also be made into efficient mosquito repellent products, such as lavender essential oil and citronella oil. There are many common aromatic mosquito repellent plants, such as Qianlixiang, white florets born between the leaflets, umbrella-like shape, rich sweetness, is a rare indoor small green plant, but also a small mosquito repellent expert! And basil, known as the "king of spices", belongs to the same family as mint and belongs to the labiatae. Has the strong aroma begun to stimulate the taste buds of foodies? This will also stimulate mosquitoes and keep them away!

Speaking of this, the editor would also like to explain that at present, there are many studies on mosquito repellent plants, and there are good and bad about their effectiveness. in fact, from the point of view of the mosquito repellent plants themselves, mosquitoes do have a strong mosquito repellent effect, at least for these mosquito repellent plants, but if they are used by human beings, they are certainly not as effective as artificial products if they are used in the living room and ventilated environment. And mosquito repellent plants are only mosquito repellent, but not all have anti-mosquito effect, mosquitoes are still possible! If you want to completely say byebye to mosquitoes, it is best to use mosquito nets or non-toxic plant mosquito repellent products!


Qianli incense

Pitcher plant

In the plant world, there are also mosquito-eating plants, the most common of which are pitcher plants, strange oblong "bug-catching bottles", and they also have their own mucus and lid to attract mosquitoes. But it is not so realistic to want it to wipe out the mosquitoes in the whole house! The editor suggests that it can be cultivated with the above-mentioned aromatic mosquito repellent plants to enhance the mosquito control effect, but also add green, environmental protection and health!

Here, the editor would also like to remind you that when these mosquito repellent plants are put indoors, they should not be too much, and must be well ventilated, otherwise they may cause harm to the fragile respiratory tract!