
Key techniques of rapid fattening young rabbits with less food and more meals to prevent disease scientifically

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Key techniques of rapid fattening young rabbits with less food and more meals to prevent disease scientifically

1. Fattening by grouping and grouping

According to the physical strength and age of young rabbits, the young rabbits with close weaning date or similar growth and development were grouped into groups with 20 rabbits in each group, 1.5 rabbits per square meter, and 4 rabbits in each cage, too much crowding affected the development of young rabbits.


Second, three-stage fattening method for rabbits.

The first stage is based on concentrate, supplemented by green and coarse feed (rapid growth, enlarging the skeleton); the second stage is based on green coarse feed, supplemented by concentrate (increasing feed intake and exercising digestive function); the third stage is based on concentrate, supplemented by green and coarse feed (for the purpose of rapid fattening).

Third, scientific matching of feed

The feed volume of young rabbits is small, the nutritional value is high, it is easy to digest, and the crude fiber must be up to the standard. The most suitable fattening feeds for young rabbits are corn, oats, barley, wheat bran, bean cake, potato, sweet potato and so on. The reference formula is as follows: in the early fattening stage, 70% dried grass meal, 11% corn flour, 5% bean cake, 10% wheat bran, 3% bone meal, 1% salt; in the later fattening stage, 10% dried grass powder, 80% corn flour, 6% wheat bran, 3% bone meal, 1% salt. Feed more nutritious, digestible concentrate and succulent green fodder such as bean seedlings and dandelion, and feed animal feed appropriately. The feed should be clean and fresh, and the feeding amount should increase gradually with the increase of the young rabbit's age, so as to prevent the feed from sudden increase or mutation.

Fourth, feed less and eat more.

The daily feeding amount of young rabbits should be basically full, and the young rabbits should be fed less and more meals 4 times a day, that is, morning, middle, evening, 22:00 (10:00 in the evening), automatic drinking fountain or artesian bottle, and the temperature should be 5: 25 ℃. The light should be increased in the early stage and darker in the later stage (especially 15 days before slaughter).

Pay attention to environmental control

The young rabbit cage is placed in a sunny, leeward and dry place, which can be exposed to sunlight, but not exposed to the sun. It is raised indoors in winter and the temperature is 5-10 ℃. Do a good job in indoor and rabbit house hygiene, keep cleaning every day, change the bedding frequently, and keep it dry.

High temperature in summer, rabbit shed can be built outside the Arbor or planting vines such as grapes, towel gourd, pumpkin and other shade, and by opening doors and windows, splashing water, spraying, turning on electric fans and other methods to cool down.

Keep the rabbit house clean and dry, the relative humidity is less than 60%; when too wet, sprinkle hay, sand or quicklime, plant ash, etc., moisture absorption, disinfection and sterilization. Caged rabbits should be released for exercise 2 or 3 times a week when it is cool in the morning and evening, but the time should not be too long (it must be taken care of by a special person). In summer, feed can be fed when it is cool in the morning and evening, clean and sanitary drinking water can be provided, and 1.5% salt can be added to the water.

Young rabbit

VI. Early prevention of diseases

Dianjing was added to the feed of 25-35-day-old young rabbits, 1 mg per rabbit per day, chlorophenylguanidine was added to the diet of 36-45-day-old young rabbits, twice a day, 1 tablet each time, and quinolinol was added to the diet of 46-55-day-old rabbits, twice a day, 1 tablet each time, and 1.5 ml rabbit plague vaccine was injected subcutaneously into the neck of each rabbit aged 60-70 days. Observe the health of rabbits, find sick rabbits, isolate and treat them in time. In summer, rodents, mosquitoes and flies should be eliminated, mildew should be forbidden, rabbit plague and other immune vaccines should be vaccinated regularly, and infectious diseases should be strictly prevented.