
What should I pay attention to when using seed coating agent?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What should I pay attention to when using seed coating agent? Ask experienced netizens to help introduce the seed coating agent is to evenly wrap the seed coating agent containing pesticides, micro-fertilizers, plant growth hormone and other ingredients on the seed surface by means of mechanical processing. Can effectively control seedling diseases and insect pests, supplement nutrition, can promote seed growth.

What should I pay attention to when using seed coating agent? Ask experienced netizens to help introduce the seed coating agent is to evenly wrap the seed coating agent containing pesticides, micro-fertilizers, plant growth hormone and other ingredients on the seed surface by means of mechanical processing. It can effectively control diseases and insect pests at seedling stage, supplement nutrition, promote seed rooting and sprouting, and achieve the purpose of whole seedling and strong seedling. The seed network has sorted out the matters needing attention of the seed coating agent, which are listed below for netizens' reference. Pay attention to one, coated seeds are generally highly toxic, can only be used as seeds, absolutely can not be eaten or made as feed. The coated seeds should be stored in a dry and cool ventilated place to prevent children from coming into contact with livestock and poultry or eating them by mistake. If there are livestock and poultry that died of accidental ingestion, they should also be buried deep in the ground and should not be eaten. Even the seedlings after the emergence of coated seeds should not be used to feed livestock and poultry to avoid poisoning. Pay attention to second, when sowing coated seeds to wear protective clothing, wear protective gloves, children can not participate in sowing. Do not eat, smoke or wipe your face with your hands when sowing. Wash your hands and face with soapy water immediately after sowing. Pay attention to third, the packaging bags of coated seeds should choose polypropylene woven bags, it is best not to use gunny bags, so as to avoid poisoning caused by toxic sack fibers being inhaled by humans and animals. The bags should be burned or buried deeply after use to prevent misloading of grain and food. Utensils containing coated seeds must be washed thoroughly before use. The water used to wash these utensils is strictly forbidden to be poured on the banks of rivers, ponds and wells, and can be poured in the fields or around tree roots. Pay attention to 4, coated seeds should not be soaked to accelerate germination. Because the seed coating agent dissolved in water may have an inhibitory effect on seed germination. Note 5. Coated seeds should not be used in low-lying and saline-alkali land. Coated seeds are prone to rancidity and decay under high wet soil conditions; in saline-alkali soil, seed coating agents will decompose and fail in the presence of alkali. It is not suitable to use coated seeds in fields with pH greater than 8. Note 6, coated seeds should not be used with paspalum and other herbicides at the same time, 30 days after sowing can use paspalum. If you use paspalum first, it will take 3 days before sowing, otherwise it is easy to cause drug damage or reduce the effect of seed coating agent. Click to get more pesticide application techniques