
The boy raised two longevity trees and spent half a year turning into more than 100 trees. All the neighbors envied and robbed them one after another.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The young man raised two longevity flowers, which turned into more than 100 in half a year. All the neighbors envied them and all came to rob the small ones to raise longevity flowers. Every year, they would cut a lot of flowers. When relatives and friends came around, they would go to several pots to go home and raise them by themselves.

The young man raised two longevity flowers and turned them into more than 100 in half a year. All the neighbors envied them and robbed them one after another.

Xiaoqi raises longevity flowers, cutting a lot every year, relatives and friends come around, see so many, will have to go to a few pots to go home to raise their own, Xiaoqi is also very generous, must give!

These two pots of longevity flowers, which were made to everyone in the video before, are trimmed after blooming. After the first pruning, nearly 10 branches are trimmed from each one, and Xiaoqi cuttings are cut, and then a lot of lateral buds come out. Basically, every other month or so, it is necessary to prune once, more than 10 at a time, and now Xiaoqi cuttings have survived nearly 100. It is really too easy to breed, and the survival rate is 100%.

Now the state after pruning, a lot of head

Xiao Qi has also said before that the proportion of perlite leech stone charcoal soil used for cutting is 1.1.1, and the cut branches are hung for more than a day, and so the branch wounds are tightened and dried. At this time, cutting is the most appropriate time. After about a week, the root system can grow very well. Xiao Qi has seen the video for you before. It's that simple.

These are all survived and have not yet been transplanted.

After the cuttage, the soil should always be kept moist, put in a well-ventilated place, see some scattered luster, do not see strong light, after two weeks or so, gradually increase the light, return to normal maintenance.

These cuttings survived and were transplanted into long pots.

The longevity flower starts from blooming, it is necessary to constantly prune the branches and promote him to divide more lateral buds. The more lateral buds bloom in autumn, the more lateral buds will blossom in autumn. The process of pruning and topping continues until autumn, and it will stop after autumn. After flowering, if we want the lateral buds to grow much and faster, we must fertilize and keep up with them, so that the lateral buds can grow in a month before they can top and trim again. The multi-element mixed particle slow-release fertilizer used on the surface of the small basin soil is irrigated with water twice a month. It is crazy to describe it in three words.

If you want to raise longevity flowers, you should be prepared to make room for it. This guy is too capable of dividing lateral buds and cutting hundreds of them for a year. It is impossible without enough space. After autumn, must be supplemented with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, at this time do not trim the top, fertilizer three times a month phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, sufficient light, must be full of flowers before winter. Two pots of longevity flowers, raised in this way, turn into hundreds in a year, and are full of longevity flowers in winter. After two pots of longevity blossomed, Xiao Qi raised more than 100 pots in half a year with this method, which is amazing to my brother!

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