
Can chlorine-containing fertilizer be applied in orchards?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Can chlorine-containing fertilizer be applied in orchards? Please introduce that fruit trees are chlorine-free crops and it is not suitable to apply chlorine-containing fertilizers, but modern studies have shown that chlorine is a micronutrient element needed by plants, including fruit trees. The appropriate amount of chlorine in soil can inhibit nitrification of nitrogen in soil and reduce the loss of nitrogen and agricultural products.

Can chlorine-containing fertilizer be applied in orchards? Please introduce that fruit trees are chlorine-free crops and it is not suitable to apply chlorine-containing fertilizers, but modern studies have shown that chlorine is a micronutrient element needed by plants, including fruit trees. An appropriate amount of chlorine in soil can inhibit nitrification of nitrogen in soil, reduce the loss of nitrogen and nitrate content of agricultural products, increase the content of available phosphorus in soil, restrain the occurrence of creation diseases, increase the yield of crops and increase the quantity of agricultural products. However, the excessive chlorine content in the soil can inhibit the activity of microorganisms in the soil and lead to the decrease of enzyme activity, thus affecting the transformation of all kinds of organic and inorganic substances in the soil, decreasing the ph value of the soil and acidizing the soil, resulting in the decrease of soil permeability, thus directly or indirectly affecting the yield and quality of agricultural products. Therefore, the application of chlorine-containing fertilizer in orchards must be moderate. According to the effect of chlorine content in soil on the yield and quality of crops, the chlorine tolerance of crops can be divided into three grades: strong, medium and weak. Chlorine-containing fertilizers can be applied to crops with strong and upper-middle chlorine tolerance, and chlorine-containing fertilizers can be selectively applied to crops with medium-low and weak chlorine tolerance under the condition of low chlorine content in soil. Studies have shown that the chlorine tolerance of most fruit trees is weak or moderately low, so orchards can selectively apply chlorine-containing fertilizers. Usually, when 30 kg potassium chloride is applied per mu, the chlorine content in soil increases by 96 mg / kg, and the chlorine content in most soils in the south of the Yangtze River is 255mg / kg. The total chlorine content of most soils in the south of the Yangtze River is only less than 121ml / kg, which is lower than the critical chlorine tolerance value of 165 mg / kg for fruit trees, which will not affect the yield and quality of fruit. When 40 kg ammonium chloride is applied per mu, the chlorine content in the soil increases to 180 mg / kg, and the original chlorine content in the soil has exceeded the critical value of chlorine tolerance of most fruit trees, which is bound to affect the yield and quality of fruits. If potassium chloride and ammonium chloride are used in fake situations, the damage will be even greater. Therefore, when applying compound fertilizer in orchards, potassium sulfate compound fertilizer should be applied instead of chlorine-containing compound fertilizer. To sum up, the amount of potassium chloride needed by fruit trees and ammonium chloride less than 20 kg / mu could be applied in the orchard, but the two fertilizers could not be applied at the same time and the compound fertilizer containing dichloride could not be applied. Click to get more compound fertilizer application techniques