
How to prevent Bai Ling Pleurotus ostreatus from not producing mushrooms?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to prevent Bai Ling Pleurotus ostreatus from not producing mushrooms?

The performance of Pleurotus ostreatus to produce mushroom late and not to produce mushroom: the mushroom came out slowly in the whole batch of mushroom bag, and the mushroom did not produce mushroom for more than 130 days or the time of mushroom production varied. The main reasons for late emergence of mushrooms and non-emergence of mushrooms are as follows:

Management of Pleurotus ostreatus

1. Miss the inoculation period. Most of the preparation for raw materials can not keep up with or the connection of sterilization stoves is not good. Pleurotus ostreatus is a medium-temperature bacteria, low temperature can stimulate mushroom production. According to its growth law and natural temperature, it is generally inoculated in autumn and mushroom in winter. It is usually appropriate to be vaccinated from mid-August to early September in the north of the Yangtze River and from late August to the end of September in the south. The geography and climate of our country is complex, and the best vaccination period is when the average temperature of ten days is 28 ℃ from "the End of Heat" to "the Autumn Equinox".

2. The formula is not scientific. The mycelium growth of Pleurotus ostreatus needs high nitrogen nutrients, but when the concentration of nitrogen in the substrate is too high, the mycelium growth is too prosperous, prolong the vegetative growth time, but inhibit the formation of primordium, resulting in no mushroom. The existing raw and auxiliary materials for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus mainly use high nitrogen substances such as cottonseed hull, wheat bran, corn meal and so on. In the conventional formula, 100 kg of cottonseed hull, 8 kg of wheat bran and 2 kg of corn meal have greatly exceeded the required proportion of N. Therefore, do not add high-nitrogen excipients, so as not to produce mushrooms.

3. Improper management of bacteria. After inoculation, the bacteria bags are too dense, and the bags are not breathable, and the temperature of autumn heat often rises in autumn, which leads to the increase of the "three temperatures" of bacteria temperature, bag temperature and room temperature, resulting in the "burning" of the bottom bacteria bags, or not in time to turn over the pile during the germicidal period. resulting in serious anoxia of hyphae, and even different time for mushroom emergence. The cultivation of hairy bacteria must be done well in the "four hurdles": the stacking of ① bags is reasonable. The previous overlap is 5-6 stories high, the distance between bags is 2-3 cm, and the distance between each row is 50-60 cm. With the growth of mycelium, its respiration is exuberant, and the bacterial temperature rises, so it is necessary to dilute the bag in time to dissipate heat. Turn the pile once in the first 3 days, then every 7-10 days, adjust the temperature and light evenly. ② temperature control to raise bacteria. After inoculation, the room temperature was controlled at 24-28 ℃ and cultured for 7-10 days to promote mycelium germination and colonization. After that, the room temperature should be adjusted to 22-26 ℃, not more than 30 ℃. ③, pay attention to ventilation. The bacteriological room requires good ventilation, which should be ventilated once every morning and evening. When the temperature is high, close the doors and windows during the day to resist the invasion of hot wind, and open the doors and windows for ventilation at night. ④ was cultured without light. Dark culture is required in the early stage of bacteria culture.

4. The post-ripening culture is not up to the standard. The mycelia of Pleurotus ostreatus can not produce mushrooms immediately after the mycelium grows in the bag, and it needs to be cultivated for 35 days, commonly known as "post-ripening" culture. The required temperature is 20-26 ℃, the relative humidity is 70%, and the scattered light is 120-300 lux. When the bacterial bag is solid, the hyphae are thick and white, and the nutrient accumulation reaches physiological maturity, it can be transferred to reproductive growth. If the post-ripening is not up to the standard, it is difficult to produce mushrooms.

5. Error of temperature control by promoting bud. After the physiological maturity of the bag, it needs 0-13 ℃ low temperature and variable temperature stimulation before the primordium can be formed and then the mushroom bud can be differentiated. The physiological maturity of Pleurotus ostreatus bags is usually from late November to early December, when the temperature in North China has entered a low temperature period and 0 ℃ conditions are available. But if the temperature difference is more than 10 ℃, the temperature must be changed artificially. Specific practice: choose a sunny day at 10:00, open the top grass curtain, cover the greenhouse film densely, and lift the film at midnight to let the cold air attack, resulting in a temperature difference of more than 10 ℃ between day and night. If the temperature difference can not be met during the day, steam can be used to heat up, but when the greenhouse temperature rises to more than 10 ℃ from the night temperature, it should be stopped immediately. However, in some areas of northern Hubei and southern Henan, the natural temperature will reach the height of temperature difference, so it is not necessary to heat up.