
The cold tolerance of Xiang pig is lower than that of local pig in winter.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The cold tolerance of Xiang pig is lower than that of local pig in winter.

As the cold protection of Xiang pig is lower than that of local pig breeds, if improper heat preservation measures are taken in winter, it will affect the normal growth of Xiang pig, so how to raise Xiang pig in winter?

Xiang pig

First, heat preservation:

Xiang pig cold resistance is lower than the local pig breeds, poor heat preservation, affect the normal growth, but also cause losses. The thickness of the walls of the pigsty should be one and a half bricks or one blank, tight and crack-free. The thin walls are surrounded by more firewood and grass as insulation. If you want plastic film to buckle the pigsty, you'd better use two floors. The shed is covered with grass curtains at night. The shed should have ventilation holes, which should be opened 1-2 times at noon every day. Half an hour at a time. The feces should be cleaned in time, and the hay, dried leaves and dried sawdust should be changed frequently in the sleeping place. Xiang pigs with diapers must be trained.

Second, the full price of feed should be:

Full-price feed means that the feed contains all kinds of nutrients needed by the pig body. Due to the high energy consumption of Xiang pigs in winter, it is necessary to ensure sufficient food consumption and reasonable feed ratio. The types of feed should be diversified as much as possible, so that all kinds of nutrients can complement each other. The feed used is palatable. Common feed ratio: corn 56%, bean cake 15%, wheat bran 19.5%, all kinds of bran 7%, bone meal, fish meal 1%, salt 0.5%. The feed proportion of Xiang pigs changed appropriately in different growth stages. The principle is that there is more concentrate in the early stage and less in the later stage. When choosing feed, we should take measures according to local conditions and choose high-quality and inexpensive feed, such as bean curd residue and so on. But the bean curd residue should not exceed 1 / 3 of the total feed. If possible, pig feed can also be mixed with a small amount of fermented fresh chicken manure. Because Xiang pigs have the habit of eating green fodder, it can not be ignored in feeding. In winter, cabbage, radish, carrot and potato can be used instead of green fodder. Don't feed rotten vegetables.

Third, feed cooked food and hot food:

The feed of Xiang pig in the place of origin is mainly cooked food. Cooked feed can improve the utilization rate. In the cold winter, feeding cooked food can enhance the cold protection of Xiang pigs and speed up the growth rate, such as unconditional, at least warm food. The feed should be soaked in water in advance, and the hot water should be fed at a fixed time. Big pigs should be fed three times and piglets four times.

Although the incidence of Xiang pigs is low in winter, epidemic prevention should not be ignored. The piggery should be disinfected on schedule and vaccinated at the end of the first month, which can ensure that Xiang pigs will not be affected by plague when they return from winter to spring.