
Strengthen ventilation, reduce density and prevent stress how to prevent hypoxia in broilers in winter

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Strengthen ventilation, reduce density and prevent stress how to prevent hypoxia in broilers in winter


First, strengthen the ventilation in the house. When the air in the henhouse is fresh, chickens like to grow and grow well. Because broilers have a high body temperature and breathe more than twice as much gas as mammals, they need more oxygen. Solution: strengthen the ventilation of the chicken house, there is enough fresh air, the chicken will be lively and strong, less sick. Ventilation is equal to oxygenation. It is usually ventilated every 2-3 hours, each time for 20-30 minutes. The temperature of the house should be increased before ventilation. When ventilating, the wind does not blow directly to the chicken body to prevent the chicken from catching cold.

Second, reduce the feeding density. Broilers are generally raised in large groups, with large flocks and large numbers. High-density feeding will lead to lack of oxygen and increase of carbon dioxide. Especially when the chicks are raised at high temperature and high humidity, there is a long-term lack of fresh air, resulting in weakness and sickness of chicks and an increase in the rate of dead chickens. And the chance of air infectious diseases increases, especially when the ammonia content is high, respiratory diseases are often induced. Therefore, in order to reduce the feeding density, 9 chickens of about 1.5 kilograms can be raised per square meter. if raised online, the density can be doubled.

Third, pay attention to the method of heat preservation. Some chicken farms only emphasize heat preservation, but ignore ventilation, close doors and windows, and irregular ventilation, resulting in serious hypoxia in chicken sheds and carbon dioxide poisoning in broilers. Especially when the coal stove is used for heat preservation, the stove sometimes runs or pours smoke, which is more prone to gas poisoning. Even if normal heating, but also compete with chickens for oxygen, prone to carbon monoxide poisoning (also known as gas poisoning), should pay special attention. It is best to build the stove in the doorway outside the house, which can effectively avoid harmful gas poisoning.

Fourth, prevent stress. Chickens are nervous and timid, and the sudden appearance of any new sounds, colors, unfamiliar movements and objects will cause unease and cry of chickens, resulting in harmful stress such as shock, explosion and escape, which will consume a lot of physical energy and increase the oxygen consumption of chickens. it is more harmful to the growth, development and weight gain of broilers. Therefore, we must maintain the normal and orderly life law of broilers, keep chickens quiet and stable, in order to reduce all kinds of stress losses.