
Four techniques for high-yield feeding of low-temperature, low-feed, low-laying ducks in winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Four techniques for high-yield feeding of low-temperature, low-feed, low-laying ducks in winter

Due to low temperature in winter, lack of feed and poor feeding conditions, the laying rate of laying ducks decreased. However, as long as meticulous management and creating a suitable environment for laying ducks, high yield can still be obtained. The skillful laying duck in winter is mainly reflected in four aspects:

Egg duck light

1. Keep out cold and keep warm. Temperature is very important for egg production of laying ducks. the most suitable temperature for laying period is 13-22 ℃. It is necessary to keep cold and keep warm to ensure that laying ducks are not attacked by cold waves. Measures to protect duck house from cold and warmth: the building is reasonable, the duck house is built in a dry, sheltered and sunny place; to block doors and windows, it is best to nail plastic film on the windows and hang straw curtains at the door; frequently mat hay, the hay should be soft and cut properly, and the bottom mat grass does not need to be removed, this can increase the lying comfort of egg ducks, and the bottom mat grass fermentation can generate heat; warm water can not be used for laying ducks, not cold water, let alone ice ballast water Artificial heating is used to replenish heat in the house, but safety should be paid attention to to prevent fire, poisoning and burns.

two。 Improve nutrition. Most of the energy of laying ducks is used to keep out the cold in winter. in order to ensure energy supply, energy feed should be added to the diet properly. Generally, the dietary metabolism should reach 2.7 ~ 2.8 MCAL per kilogram, and it is best to add 35% fat to the feed. At the same time, attention should be paid to increasing protein feed in order to maintain a suitable energy-protein ratio, and the crude protein content should reach 1618% per kilogram of diet. In addition, the proportion of amino acids should also be appropriate. Methionine content is 0.3%, lysine is 0.7%, cystine is 0.55%. Lack of green feed in winter, if the insufficient supply of vitamins, easy to affect the physique of laying ducks, but also affect the laying rate, feeding cabbage leaves, shredded radish, shredded carrots, grain sprouts, malt and other feed, can well supplement vitamins.

3. Increase the light. Light will also affect the laying rate of laying ducks, light stimulation, can promote follicular development, and can promote ovulation. The laying rate of laying ducks is greatly affected by the short light time in winter. replenishing light in time can effectively increase the egg production of laying ducks. the experiment shows that it is suitable to increase the egg production of laying ducks with artificial light, which is 20% more than that of ducks without light. Can install more light bulbs in the duck house, generally every 10 square meters install a 40'60 watt light bulb, the light bulb is 1.2 '1.5 meters away from the ground, in order to increase the utilization rate of light, the light bulb should be equipped with a lampshade, so that the light can focus on the ground. Replenish the light in the evening and in the morning, that is, turn on the lights after sunset for 2-3 hours, turn on the lights in the early morning, and illuminate from 2-3 hours to dawn, to ensure that the lighting time is about 16 hours every day and night.

4. Exercise properly. Egg ducks do not like to move in winter, coupled with the increase of feed nutrition concentration, it is easy to make ducks overfat and affect the laying rate, so it is very important to strengthen exercise. In order to promote the movement of ducks, the ducks should be driven outside the house for exercise at noon when it is sunny; in cold or other adverse weather, ducks are not suitable to go outdoors, but they can drive ducks in the duck house to promote slow movement, usually 4 or 5 times a day. Outside activities can be carried out in combination with water release, which can not only exercise, but also allow ducks to eat freely and increase the laying rate, but the time and frequency of water release should be controlled according to the weather characteristics: water can be released from 10:00 to 2 p.m. on sunny days, and the time of water release should be appropriately shortened in cloudy days. In windy, rainy, snowy, frosty and foggy weather, there is no water release, and stop releasing water after freezing.