
What is phosphate fertilizer? What kinds of phosphate fertilizer do you have?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What is phosphate fertilizer? What kinds of phosphate fertilizer do you have? What are the characteristics? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that phosphate fertilizer is a single-element chemical fertilizer that contains phosphorus and can provide plants with phosphorus-based nutrients. The farming network collates the efficacy and types of phosphate fertilizer, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. ...

What is phosphate fertilizer? What kinds of phosphate fertilizer do you have? What are the characteristics? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that phosphate fertilizer is a single-element chemical fertilizer that contains phosphorus and can provide plants with phosphorus-based nutrients. The farming network collates the efficacy and types of phosphate fertilizer, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. The role of phosphate fertilizer: first, phosphorus can promote cell division and accelerate the growth of crop buds and roots. Second, phosphorus can promote crop respiration and crop absorption of water and nutrients, improve crop water use efficiency and the ability to survive short-term drought. Third, phosphorus can promote the metabolism, synthesis and transportation of carbohydrates, protein and fat in crops, which is beneficial to the decrease of grain water content during crop maturity and make crops mature earlier. Generally, sufficient phosphorus nutrition can make wheat mature 4-7 days earlier and tomato blossom 8-10 days earlier. It can also make the flower bud generation, blossom and fruiting of melons, eggplant fruits, vegetables, fruit trees and other crops, and improve the crop fruit rate. Function 4. Phosphorus can enhance the stress resistance of crops, improve the ability of cold resistance, drought resistance, salt resistance and disease resistance, and improve the quality of products. The reason why phosphorus can improve the drought resistance of crops is that phosphorus can improve the water filling of cell structure, make it maintain colloid state, reduce the loss of cell water, and increase the viscosity and elasticity of protoplast. this enhances the resistance of crop primary holding to local dehydration. At the same time, phosphorus can promote plant root development, increase the contact area with soil nutrients, strengthen the use of soil water, and reduce the threat caused by drought. Phosphorus can increase the content of soluble sugar and phospholipids in plants, while solubility can lower the freezing point of the cytoplasm, and phospholipids can enhance the adaptability of cells to temperature changes, thus enhancing the cold resistance of crops. Phosphorus can increase the content of inorganic phosphates in plants, and these phosphates mainly exist in the form of dihydrogen phosphate and hydrogen phosphate, which often form a buffer system, and the intracellular protoplasts can buffer acid-base changes. When acid-base changes occur in the external environment, the buffering effect of protoplast can still be maintained in a relatively stable range, which is conducive to the normal growth and development of crops. Therefore, the application of phosphate fertilizer on saline-alkali soil can improve the saline-alkali resistance of crops. Effect 5. Phosphorus can promote the root growth of legume crops, shorten the time needed for nodule development and activation, increase the number, volume and nitrogen assimilation of root nodules, and increase the yield and nitrogen content of legume crops. Types of phosphate fertilizer: type one, water-soluble phosphate fertilizer: such as calcium phosphate, heavy superphosphate and ammonium phosphate (monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate). The main ingredient of the above products is monocalcium phosphate, which is soluble in water and has fast fertilizer effect. it is suitable for all kinds of soil and crops, but it is best used in neutral or calcareous soil. Category 2, wolfberry soluble phosphate fertilizer: such as precipitated phosphate fertilizer, steel slag phosphate fertilizer, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, defluorinated phosphate fertilizer, calcium hydrogen phosphate, etc., the main ingredient is dicalcium phosphate, which is insoluble in water but soluble in 2% acid solution, and the fertilizer effect is slow. In calcareous soil, it combines with soil calcium and converts to insoluble phosphate, reducing the availability of bottom phosphorus, so it is suitable for acid soil. Type 3, insoluble phosphate fertilizer: such as bone powder and phosphate rock powder, the main ingredient is tricalcium phosphate, which can only be dissolved in strong acid but insoluble in water. After it is applied into the soil, it can be slowly dissolved by the acid in the soil to become a form that can be utilized by crops. The fertilizer effect is very slow, but the aftereffect is long, so it is suitable for use as base fertilizer in acid soil, and it can also be used with organic fertilizer compost or combined with chemical acid and physiological acid fertilizer. Type 4, miscible phosphate fertilizer: generally there are nitric phosphate fertilizer, which is a kind of nitrogen-phosphorus binary compound fertilizer, which is most suitable to be applied in dry land, and it is easy to cause nitrogen removal loss in paddy field and acid soil. What are the common nitrogen fertilizers? what are the functions of magnesium sulfate?