
Control measures for dead winter wheat seedlings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Control measures for dead winter wheat seedlings

Dead wheat seedling

Prevention and control of freezing injury to dead seedlings. Wheat has a strong ability of self-regulation, although severe freezing injury occurs during the overwintering period, as long as the tiller node does not die, it is still white or green, new tillers and spikes can still grow after turning green, and better yield can still be obtained as long as spring management is strengthened. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the word "early" and embody the word "promote" in the management of the dead seedlings of overwintering wheat.

Hug away the dead leaves and increase photosynthesis. The dry leaves of the wheat fields with serious dead seedlings are less covered with dry leaves, and the residual green leaves are also covered with dry leaves, which affects the photosynthesis of wheat. when the temperature rises in spring and the topsoil melts, rakes should be used to hold the withered leaves of wheat ridges to promote the growth of heart leaves.

Topdressing nitrogen fertilizer to promote rejuvenation. After wheat turned green, 10-15 kg urea should be applied as soon as possible to promote the rejuvenation of wheat seedlings as soon as possible.

Adjust measures to local conditions and water them at the right time. Water flexibly according to ground temperature and soil moisture. Generally, when the 5cm ground temperature passes 5 ℃ after the wheat turns green, the amount of water should not be too large, but should be watered lightly. When the soil moisture is better, the watering time should be postponed appropriately.

Foliar fertilization to supplement nutrition. After wheat suffered frost injury, it is necessary to spray Yijia boron and other nutrients twice to supplement the nutrition of wheat and promote the growth of wheat as soon as possible.

Ploughing and hoeing to increase temperature and preserve soil moisture. After the surface soil of wheat field is thawed, ploughing and hoeing as early as possible, increase temperature and preserve soil moisture, promote early growth and early development of wheat seedlings, increase tillers and improve panicle rate.

Prevention and control of overwintering dead seedlings caused by shallow sowing: wheat sowing technical procedures should be strictly followed, sowing depth should be determined according to soil moisture, and the speed of the seeder should be controlled within 4 kilometers per hour. Prevention and control of the death of wheat seedlings attacked by diseases and insect pests: the use of soil preparation process to eliminate pathogen residues in the soil, underground pests, voles. Make full use of seed coating agent to mix wheat and other measures.