
Those flowers that love and kill each other in the plant world

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Plant allelopathy natural, artificial ecosystem has a significant impact, some plant species can "live in peace, coexistence and co-prosperity", some plant species "bully the weak, water and fire are incompatible", in flower cultivation and conservation.

The natural and artificial ecosystem of plant allelopathy has a great influence. Some plant species can "live together peacefully, co-exist and co-prosper", while others can "bully the weak with the strong and be incompatible with fire and water." in the cultivation and conservation of flowers, attention should indeed be paid to how to avoid harm and avoid harm.

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Some plants, because of their different species and habits, secrete toxic substances that can kill other plants from their leaves or roots in order to compete for nutrition space in the process of their growth. as a result, it is "bitter and life-and-death" with neighboring other plants. For example, the root system of walnut can secrete a substance called juglone, which is extremely toxic after hydrolysis and oxidation in the soil, which can cause damage or death to pine, apple, potato, tomato, birch and many kinds of vegetation.

Some plants, due to different species and complementary habits, leaf or root exudates can be used for each other, so that they can "benefit each other and live in harmony". If violets are planted in the vineyard, the fruit quality of the grapes will be better. When soybeans are mixed with castor, the beetles that harm soybeans will be driven away by the smell of castor.

Of course, the planting and cultivation of potted flowers, because they are not planted in the same pot, can not consider the effects of root exudates, but only the effects of leaves, flowers and fruit exudates on other flowers placed in the same indoor space.

Such as lilac and lily of the valley can not be put together, otherwise the lilac will wilt quickly, even if the distance is 20 cm, if the lily of the valley is removed, the lilac will return to its original state. The lily of the valley can not be put together with the daffodils, otherwise both sides will be hurt. The "temper" of the lily of the valley is particularly bad, and almost all other flowers are not "friendly". The fragrance of cloves is also bad for daffodils and may even endanger the lives of daffodils. Cloves, violets, tulips and unforgettable herbs are raised together or in the same vase, otherwise they will all suffer from each other.

In addition, cloves, mint and laurel can secrete a large number of aromatic substances, which can inhibit the ecology of adjacent plants, and it is best not to put them together with other potted flowers for a long time. The volatile oil of juniper, which contains ether and trichlorotetraane, will slow down the respiration of other flowers and plants, stop growing and show poisoning. Juniper and pear, begonia and other flowers and trees are not put together, otherwise it is easy to "suffer" from rust. In addition, ripe apples, bananas, etc., had better not be placed in the same room with budding or blooming potted flowers (or flower arrangement), otherwise some kind of gas produced by the fruit will also make the potted flowers thank early and shorten the viewing time.

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There are some kinds of flowers that can get along well with each other: lilies grow or bottle with roses, which blooms better than if they are placed alone. The flowering period of Camellia oleifera, Camellia sinensis, Camellia oleifera and litsea cubeba placed together with litsea cubeba can significantly reduce mildew and dirt.

At present, most of the bioactive substances found are secondary metabolites. Generally speaking, the molecular weight is small and the structure is relatively simple. There are simple water-soluble organic acids, linear alcohols, aliphatic aldehydes and ketones, simple unsaturated lipids, long-chain fatty acids and polyynes, naphthoquinones, anthraquinones and compound quinones, simple phenols, benzoic acids and their derivatives, cinnamic acids and their derivatives, coumarins, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids and steroids, amino acids and polypeptides, alkaloids and cyanohydrins, sulfides and mustard oils, purines, nucleosides, etc. Among them, phenols and terpenoids are the most common, and ethylene is the representative compound of phase interaction.


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Flowers: hyacinth | violet | plum blossom | carnation | camellia | longevity flower | jasmine flower | gardenia flower | peach blossom | Platycodon grandiflorum | sweet-scented osmanthus | calla lily | lily | forget-me-not | gentleman orchid | apricot | honeysuckle | Milan | peony | sunflower | chrysanthemum | June snow | tiger thorn plum | tulip | daffodil

Green plant: poinsettia | wealth tree | green pineapple | hanging orchid | Dishui Guanyin | Fugui bamboo | asparagus | Aloe vera | ivy | Anthurium mandshurica | turtle back bamboo | triangular plum | Albizia mandshurica | duck foot wood | yellow poplar | iron tree | iron fern | tiger tail orchid |


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