
What does dandelion tea drink with?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Dandelions can be drunk with roses, stevia leaves, houttuynia, wolfberry and licorice. Because of its heat-clearing and detoxifying effect, it can be soaked with other foods with the same effect, such as stevia leaves, houttuynia and licorice, which can enrich the taste and enhance the effect; drinking with Chinese wolfberry and roses can replenish qi and calm the nerves and regulate endocrine.

1. Roses

Roses have the effect of activating blood circulation and regulating menstruation. Together with the effect of lowering blood pressure and removing fire, roses can regulate endocrine, balance various parts of the body, and beautify and nourish skin.

2. Stevia leaves

Chrysanthemum leaves sweet, can ease the bitterness of dandelion tea. Both of them have the effect of cooling and removing fire, which is suitable for people with exuberant liver fire, spleen and stomach dryness, eliminating sweat and summer heat, and regulating yin and yang.

3. Houttuynia cordata

Houttuynia cordata also has the effects of clearing away heat and reducing dryness, eliminating fire and diuresis, etc. Drinking together with it can enhance the effect of eliminating fire and relieving fever.

4. Lycium barbarum

Lycium barbarum is warm in nature, which can replenish qi, regulate qi and blood, activate blood circulation and enrich blood. The combination of the two is suitable for those who need to dispel fire due to deficiency and yin cold. It can strengthen qi and blood while cooling and eliminating fire.

5, licorice

Liquoric root can calm the nerves and relieve cough, clear away heat and detoxify, dandelion tea has appropriate effect, can be combined to enhance the clearing away heat effect, and supplement vitamins and other nutrients at the same time.