
Living room kitchen put this pot of flowers, smell dizzy, rice can not eat!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer is hot and uncomfortable, eat anything is not fragrant, but some flowers, but also spoil your appetite, flower friends can have to pay attention, do not put these flowers in the living room and dining table, otherwise it will be dizzy, nausea!


Hydrangea flowers, flowers into flowers, such as the ball group Fu, colorful, unusually lovely, beautiful flowers. Hydrangea is a typical garden flower, not suitable for raising in the living room, dining room and other indoor.

Reasons for ban

1, hydrangea fragrance although non-toxic, but some hydrangea have a smell, smell disgusting, make people appetite is not good.

2. Hydrangea is poisonous. After eating by mistake or touching with hands, it is easy to cause vomiting and diarrhea without washing hands.

Recommended placement

1. Hydrangea, a large flower, is often raised on outdoor balconies, yards, etc.

2. Hydrangea likes semi-shady environment and can also be kept in walls and shade.


Lilac flowers, small and elegant flowers, color elegant, fragrant, lovely. Common in roadside, jungle or mountains, not suitable for indoor maintenance.

Reasons for ban

1, clove fragrance rich, long smell will make people dizzy, asthma, especially in the air circulation indoor.

2, clove fragrance, at night will stimulate nerves, make the brain excited, difficult to sleep.

Recommended placement

Potted lilacs are recommended to be placed in well-ventilated positions such as balconies and windowsills; courtyards can be planted.

perfume Lily

Perfume fragrance rich, elegant posture, is a symbol of purity, should not be placed for a long time in the living room, dining table and other indoor.

Reasons for ban

1. The fragrance of perfume lily is very strong, which will stimulate nerves. If you smell too much during the day, you will have a headache, nausea and can't eat.

2, smell more at night will make the nerves excited, difficult to sleep.

Recommended placement

It is recommended to plant perfume lilies on balconies or outdoors, which is pleasing to the eye and does not stimulate the brain.


Evening primrose is named for its strong aroma at night. In summer and autumn, yellow-green flowers bloom in the evening and emit a strong fragrance.

Reasons for ban

Evening primrose at night will emit stimulating olfactory particles, making people dizzy, chest tightness asthma, especially for patients with hypertension and heart disease.

Recommended placement

1. Place night primrose outdoors for maintenance during the day.

2. Put the flowerpot on the window with good ventilation at night, which can have a good mosquito repellent effect.

Cissus tigris

Tiger thorn plum, shaped like plum blossoms, open all the year round, small flowers, colorful, thorns, because of poison can not be raised indoors, especially at the table.

Reasons for ban

1. The stem of tiger thorn plum has thorns, which are placed beside the dining table and in the living room. It is easy to hurt people by mistake, especially for children.

2. Tiger thorn plum juice is poisonous, stabbing skin will have itching feeling, try to avoid injury when maintaining.

Recommended placement

1. Tiger thorn plum likes light and sun resistance. It is best to put it on balcony and courtyard with good light and air circulation.

2. If there are children, put the tiger thorn plum on a high place and maintain it in a distance.


Oleander, is a common ornamental flowers and trees, flowers gorgeous, flowering very long, has a strong anti-smoke, anti-dust and air purification ability, so often planted in parks, scenic spots, lakes, roadside, but not suitable for indoor cultivation.

Reasons for ban

1, oleander flower fragrance can make people lethargic, intelligence decline, appetite deterioration.

2. Oleander plants are poisonous all over the body. Oleoside in flowers and juices is extremely harmful to human respiratory system and digestive system. Excessive contact will cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which can be fatal in serious cases.

Recommended placement

1, oleander suitable for planting, can be planted outside the courtyard, wall or roadside.

2. If there are old people, children, pregnant women and pets at home, it is best not to raise oleander.

coniferous flowers

Pine and cypress flowers, look atmospheric, calm, many flower friends like to raise, but whether it is large Penglai pine, Podocarpus, or small jade clove, elder, are not suitable for indoor maintenance.

Reasons for ban

1, pine and cypress flowers will secrete lipid substances, release a strong smell of sesame oil, smell for a long time, will cause appetite loss, nausea.

2, flower fragrance will make pregnant women feel upset, dizziness, so that the elderly, children feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Recommended placement

1, Penglai pine, Podocarpus and other large bonsai can be placed at the entrance, stairs or outside the hospital.

2, small jade clove, elderberry can be placed on a well-ventilated balcony maintenance.

Friends, do you have these flowers at home?

Move outside quickly!

Otherwise, if you smell too much, you won't be able to eat!