
Rain day quick cuttings! 10 pots without flowers, survival rate 100%!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent days, many places are rainy, this is a good time for cuttings! Before complaining about the difficulty of cuttage flower friends, hurry up to act, Huahua here summarized 9 kinds of flowers, you can have some around you can operate, after this village will not have this shop, come to learn together!


Cutting time: all four seasons.

Cutting soil: yellow soil and laterite are the best, followed by vermiculite.


1. It is difficult for camellias to spend the summer. We can cut off the branches after flowering, so that even if the old plant dies, there are still new seedlings. Select the new branch of the year, the stem is not lignified, such as the brown branch at the top of the picture below is very suitable for cutting, the survival rate is high. It is best to cut it to 10 cm long with a pair of leaves at the top.

2. The newly cut branches can be soaked in sugar water for 2 hours (the concentration is about 10%) to stimulate rooting, or soak in rooting powder water to improve the success rate of rooting.

3. Our usual collection of plastic bottles can come in handy. Poke a few holes around, fill in the picture, insert the branch into 2-3 cm, and finally pour water thoroughly and put it in the shady corner of the home.

4. Many flower friends find it difficult to cut camellias. In fact, you have not done a good job in moisturizing. If there are conditions at home, you can put up a plastic shed to moisturize. If you have no conditions, you can spray water and moisturize sooner or later, wait patiently for camellias to take root, and take root in summer for about a month. After that, it can be maintained normally.


Cutting time: all four seasons.

Cutting soil: vermiculite, sand, perlite.


1. We'd better choose strong branches with fresh color, cut them into short branches 8-12 cm long, leave 1-2 bud points (that is, leaves) above, and cut the oblique mouth with scissors below, which is beneficial to absorption.

2. Huahua suggests that we use transparent plastic cups to cutting. it is easy to observe rooting. First poke 1-3 mouths at the bottom of the cup, then put vermiculite, and finally insert the rose branch into 2-3 cm.

3. Pour water thoroughly after insertion, and it is best to put it in a cool and ventilated place. The following picture is placed in a cool place behind the house, with a tray below. Rain Water accumulated in it on a rainy day and happened to do moisturizing work. It is almost unnecessary to take care of it, but if it rains heavily, it will definitely get back into the house!

4. It takes root in about 2 weeks. When you see the root system growing to the wall of the cup, you can almost plant it in a pot. the soil used here is garden soil mixed with rotten leaf soil, and some slow-release fertilizer is added to the bottom of the pot. after planting, pour water, still put in a cool place to slow the seedlings, about 3-5 days to bask in the sun.


The cutting time is from April to October.

Cutting soil: sand, vermiculite, perlite, hydroponics.


1. The jasmine should be pruned after blooming every time, so as to ensure the second flowering. Pruned branches can be used for cutting, each branch with a top pair of leaves on the line, the survival rate is very high.

2. Find a foam board, insert the jasmine branch, expose 2 cm long at the bottom, and put it in a water basin. The water here had better be tap water after drying, go to chlorine, or directly use Rain Water, the rooting rate is higher!

3. Remember to put it in a cool and ventilated place at home and change the water every 2-3 days. Jasmine will take root quickly and you can see the root system by opening the foam board for about 1-2 weeks. At this time, continue hydroponic culture, wait for the root to 3 cm long can be planted in the pot, it is best to use sand mixed with rotten leaf soil to plant.

Osmanthus fragrans

Cutting time: from May to July and from September to October.

Cutting soil: garden soil, sandy soil, yellow soil, laterite.


1. When we cut sweet-scented osmanthus in summer, we can catch up with the flowers in autumn. Cut that year's sweet-scented osmanthus branches, preferably with green semi-lignified branches above the head, leaving a pair of leaves for photosynthesis.

2, sweet-scented osmanthus cutting is actually easier than grafting, if you want 100% cutting success, you can soak in rooting powder for 2 hours, then put sweet-scented osmanthus branches in 2-3 cm pot soil, pour water thoroughly, and put them in a cool and ventilated place at home.

3. Cuttings should keep the soil moist. We may not be breathable when we use garden soil. Huahua suggests that we use chopsticks to insert some small holes in the soil to breathe. Do not be curious to move the flowers and branches. If you move, you will definitely not be able to live!

4. when the old leaves turn yellow and fall, and new buds come out, you can move to the position of astigmatism at home and bask in the sun sooner or later. the water does not need to be watered too hard and the soil is dry and thoroughly. Such sweet-scented osmanthus can bloom in autumn!


Cutting time: hardwood in March, twig in May-September is the best.

Cutting soil: garden soil, sandy soil, vermiculite, hydroponics.


1. The so-called hard branch is the old branch of the pomegranate tree, and the twig is the annual new branch. In summer, you can cut 0.5-1 cm thick twigs to cut the cuttings. The survival rate of the cuttings is high, and you can hang fruit in 2-3 years, which is 2 years faster than sowing.

2. Cut pomegranate twigs, keep a pair of leaves at the top and insert them 2-3 cm deep in the soil. It is best to put them in the shade of the house and spray water to moisturize them every morning and evening.

3. When the pomegranate takes root, the old branch falls off and the new bud emerges. If there is no movement, do not touch it. When the old leaves are finished, you can carefully pull them out to see the rooting situation. If there are white roots, you can plant them in the pot and maintain them normally.


Cutting time: spring, summer and autumn.

Cutting soil: perlite, vermiculite, sand, hydroponics.


January and July is the season of hydrangea failure, so we should prune it quickly before it can blossom next year. Cut off the flower branches and then divided into 5-8 cm long segments, each section with a pair of leaves on the line, cut off half of the leaves to preserve nutrition, so that it can be used for cutting!

2. The survival rate of Hydrangea cuttage is very high. For those flower friends who are always unsuccessful in cutting, Huahua suggests cutting more at one time. Anyway, a branch of 5 cm can be changed into a tree, which is better than less. Sprinkle water with flowers after cutting and put them in a cool and ventilated place at home.

3. On cloudy and rainy days, the survival rate of cuttings is high when the temperature is low and the humidity is high. If it doesn't rain but the sun shines brightly, Huahua suggests putting the flowers in a stagnant tray or basin with a water level of 1 cm deep, which is both moisturizing and cooling. Give it a try!

4. Hydrangea takes root in about 1-2 weeks, but don't rush to change the pot. many flower friends do not take root in this step and die after changing the pot. Normally, you should keep it intact for 1-2 weeks, and then change it into a large basin after the root system is stable. It is best to plant it with rotten leaf soil and nutrient soil.

Longevity flower

Cutting time: all seasons, summer and autumn are the best.

Cutting soil: sand soil, garden soil, nutrient soil, hydroponics.


1, many flower friends' longevity has been dormant, Huahua suggests that we cut longevity bald, so that we can safely spend the summer, cut leaves and stems can be cut, not to mention 1 pot into 10 pots, even 20 pots!

2, longevity flower cutting need to be careful not to cut too deep, leaves into the soil about 1 cm on the line, stems can be inserted into 1-2 cm. Do not water too much, the basin must be shallow, breathable (can poke small holes), so as not to accumulate wet rot.

3, under normal circumstances, longevity 1-2 weeks can take root, we should not be curious to move it, and so on to see it sprout, you can change the basin for normal maintenance.

Triangular plum

Cutting time: after flowering from June to July.

Cutting soil: vermiculite, peat soil, garden soil, hydroponics.


1. Trim plums in time after flowering, so that they can bloom again and more and more, so don't be reluctant to cut them!

2. The pruned branches are cut into 8 centimeters long, and 1-2 leaves are reserved for each branch. Both soil and water cups are fine, and then covered with plastic cups with small holes. The success rate of stuffy insertion is even higher. Flower friends who have not been successful before must try it.

3. Triangulated plum takes root in about 2 weeks. After rooting, it is necessary to take root first, properly bask in the sun in the morning and evening, wait for the root system to be more stable after 10 days, and then transplant it to the flowerpot for normal maintenance.

Green pineapple

The cutting time is from April to August.

Cutting soil: garden soil, sandy soil, coconut bran soil, hydroponics.


1. There are not too many pots of green pineapple in summer. When you put them at home, you will feel refreshed and refreshed. If you take a branch, you can change it into a pot. If you don't cut it now, you will only be sad in August.

2. The fastest way is to cut the green radish branch with air root and insert it in a water bottle. Many flower lovers say that it is slow to take root. Huahua suggests that we use dark bottles to raise it. After all, the strong light in summer can easily affect root growth. You can also add an aspirin to the water to promote rooting.

3. If you want to burst the pot of green pineapple, you can try soil cutting. Vertical cutting is easy to grow climbing vine, while horizontal cutting can burst the pot more quickly. Insert green radish twigs and spray some water according to your personal preference. On cloudy and rainy days, you only need to keep ventilation. It will take root in about a week.

After reading these cutting methods

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