
This flower will spit small beads, raise a pot of 365 days to bloom, a flowering of 100...

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Recently, there are flowers that are super popular. Huahua will see everyone's flowers in the APP every day. This flower not only blooms beautifully, but also has a huge amount of flowers. It is super easy to maintain. It is simply a must for lazy people! If you ask me what kind of flower it is, then of course it is Dragon Spitting Pearl!

What does dragon spit bead look like?

Huahua first takes everyone to have a look, what does the dragon spit bead look like and how beautiful it looks when it blossoms?

So, why is this flower called Dragon Spitting Pearl? Because its outer ring calyx is white, only the flower center is a little red, like the Central Plains a little red, meaning good luck, so many flower friends like it.

How to raise dragon spit beads?

1. Sufficient light

If you want the dragon to grow prosperous and bloom as soon as possible, light is essential. It is best to put it on the south balcony or south windowsill and let it receive sufficient light. If the light is insufficient, it is easy to cause the stem to grow excessively. However, the summer temperature is high, and you still have to pay attention to shade at noon.

2. Water frequently

If you want the dragon to grow prosperous, you must ensure sufficient moisture. However, Dragon Tuzhu is more sensitive to moisture. Once there is too much water, it will cause only long leaves not to bloom, even yellow leaves and fall off. Finally, even the roots will rot, so when the surface of the basin is dry, it will be watered.

Dragon spit pearl flowering time, petals do not spray water, otherwise it will cause flowering shortened, especially like the recent rainy days more, it is best to keep indoors, do not let dragon spit pearl flowers stained with water.

3. Apply enough fertilizer

Dragon Tuzhu is more fertile, about 7-10 days apart, can apply a thin cake fertilizer water, before flowering, stop applying nitrogen fertilizer, add more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as bone meal fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, etc. Usually can also be mixed with 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution, so as to prevent yellow leaves.

4. Frequent pruning

Dragon spit bead is a climbing flower, want to make plant type more beautiful, have to pay attention to frequent pruning. Usually, more topping should be done, and pruning should be done in time after flowering to avoid nutrient consumption. Dragon spit beads in the flowering of the end of the time, the outside of the white stamen will also become red, such as red withered and then cut off the line.

How do dragon spit beads reproduce?

There are two main propagation methods: sowing and cuttage.

After the Dragon Spitting Pearl bloomed, as long as everyone ignored it, it would not be long before they could see the small black seeds. Collect the seeds and replant them next spring.

But most people still use cuttage propagation.

1. When usually topping and picking the heart, you can keep the pruned dragon spit branches and use them as cuttings.

2. Trim the branches slightly, keep at least 2-4 leaves on each cutting, then prepare a disposable paper cup, fill the paper cup with vermiculite, and insert the dragon spit branches into about 1/3.

3. If you are worried about taking root slowly, you can also find a bottle to take root directly. Rooting rate is also very high! Summer weather is hot, about 10-15 days can take root.

4. After the cuttage Dragon Tuzhu takes root, you can prepare loose and breathable nutrient soil and transplant it into the flowerpot! First in the cool and ventilated place slow 1-2 weeks, and then transferred to the sun normal maintenance on the line!

What if the dragon spit beads don't bloom?

Reason 1: Lack of nutrients

The dragon spit bead at home does not bloom, may be caused by lack of nutrients.

Solution: When the dragon spit beads bloom, we can bury some original peanuts or melon seeds in the basin, or pour a spoonful of waste oil replaced by the range hood, which can promote the dragon spit beads to bloom more.

Reason 2: Untrimmed excess growth

If only leaves grow and flowers do not bloom, it may be because the whole plant grows excessively because it is not pruned.

Solution: If you want to make Dragon Tuzhu bloom more and grow less wildly, you can prune it frequently, especially after the flower withers, cut it short in time to ensure its nutrients, so that it can have multiple branches as soon as possible, probably to ensure that the plant is within 25-30cm.

Reason 3: Too much water

If the dragon spit beads watered too much, it will cause only long leaves do not bloom phenomenon.

Solution: found that dragon spit beads have not blossomed, it is necessary to control water, touch the basin soil completely dry and then pour 1 permeable water, so repeated several times, you can see dragon spit beads bloom.

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