
The green pineapple leaves turn yellow. what's going on?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The reasons for the yellowing of green apple leaves are improper watering, uncomfortable temperature and improper lighting. If too much watering, need to timely control water, normal watering; if the temperature is uncomfortable, need to ensure the temperature, not less than 10 ℃; if the light is not enough, it needs to be maintained in astigmatism to prevent strong light burning leaves.

1. Improper watering

Reason: too much watering will lead to stagnant water in the basin soil, poor breathing of the root system, which may rot the root; if the plant is short of water, its edge will be dry and yellow, and the old leaves will fall off.

Solution: overwatering, plant cushion should be placed in a ventilated place in time, after the soil is dry, normal breeding can be done; if the plant is short of water, it should be watered in time, once every 2-3 days.

2. Temperature discomfort

Reason: its optimum temperature is 20-28 ℃, winter overwintering should be at least 10 ℃, the temperature should not be too low.

Solution: help the growth temperature within the optimum temperature range, do not keep the indoor temperature below 10 ℃, otherwise the plant will stop growing.

3. Improper lighting

Reason: keeping in the shade all the time can lead to lack of nutrition and shrinking leaves of spiders, while excessive light can cause burns and yellowing of leaves.

Solution: in the midday sun, a certain shading treatment; do not breed in the indoor shade for a long time, often in the balcony and other bright places to see the light.