
The planting method of potted figs for ornamental and edible purposes

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The planting method of potted figs for ornamental and edible purposes

Potted figs, elegant branches and leaves, beautiful tree shape, both leaves and fruit can be seen, and can be tasted. Many people do not know how to plant potted figs. Today, the editor will introduce the method of planting potted figs.

Potted fig pruning

The main results are as follows: 1. Figs have well-developed roots and need to be cultivated in large containers, generally using large tile jars, and need a larger growth environment. Open balconies, balconies and courtyards are more suitable for the growth of figs.

2. Figs have low requirements for soil, but if potted, it is best to choose fertile and breathable soil. When planting or changing the basin, it is necessary to add rotten cake fertilizer, chicken manure and other organic fertilizer rich in carbon, phosphorus and potassium, so that figs can grow luxuriantly and hang fruit early in the morning.

3. The watering amount of potted figs can be determined according to the growth progress of branches and leaves. When the branches and leaves germinate in spring, the amount of water should be less, and the basin soil can keep a certain humidity. As the branches and leaves grow up and the temperature rises gradually, figs enter the fruit-hanging period, and the amount of water should be increased and irrigated once in the morning and evening to keep the basin soil moist. If the watering is not timely, it is easy to produce branches and leaves malaise, fruit drop and other phenomena. In autumn, after the fruit is ripe, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water, too much water will cause figs to crack. In case of cloudy and rainy days, in addition to controlling watering, we should also pay attention to prevent stagnant water in the basin to avoid waterlogging.

4. Fig shoots grow fast, so it is necessary to trim and shape figs in time, especially potted figs. Too high trunk will affect the appearance of figs, and it is troublesome to maintain them at ordinary times. Therefore, potted figs must be limited to a certain height and cannot be allowed to grow. Specific approach: when the trunk of the seedling grows to about 20cm, the tip should be cut off to promote its germination and branching. According to their own preferences, trimmed into a certain shape to improve the appreciation value.

Figs are not hardy. Outdoor potted figs should enter the room in time before and after Frosts Descent in late autumn, while indoor figs should be maintained in sunny, ventilated balconies, living rooms and so on. Figs enter the dormant period in winter and their growth tends to stagnate. At this time, figs can be flexibly watered according to room temperature. If the room temperature is higher, you can pour a little more water, and if you put it in a room with a room temperature of about 5 ℃, you should control the water and keep the basin soil as dry as possible, so that figs can survive the winter safely.