
Prevention of insect pests in winter wheat by eating leaves and wheat roots with prickly sucking juice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Prevention of insect pests in winter wheat by eating leaves and wheat roots with prickly sucking juice

Spring is the most serious season for wheat pests, the main pests of wheat are armyworm, underground pests, wheat aphids, trematodes, wheat red spiders and so on. The prevention of wheat pests can not be ignored, so how to prevent it?

Wheat pest

First, underground pests: in the early stage of planting, land treatment is very helpful to reduce underground pests. Before ploughing, use 50% octanoic acid EC 300 grams plus 25 kg of water per mu, spray the surface evenly with a sprayer, and then prepare the soil, the effect is better. Seed dressing with chemicals can also reduce the harm of underground insect pests of wheat. One is to mix seeds with phoxim of no more than 0.2% concentration, and the other is to mix seeds with 40% dimethoate emulsion per kilogram with 40-60 kg of water, which can kill mole cricket after being stuffed for more than 4 hours.

Second, wheat aphid: first, agricultural control, that is, rational distribution of crops; selection of insect-resistant and disease-resistant wheat varieties; appropriate late sowing, winter irrigation, rake grinding and suppression in early spring. Second, chemical control: ① with 40% dimethoate EC 2000 × 3000 times or 50% phoxim EC 2000 times, spray with water; ② mu with 10 g 50% aphid spray wettable powder, 50% 60 kg water spray; ③ spray control with 50% aldicarb 4000 × 5000 times. ④ was sprayed with 3.15% Averpil EC 20ml one pot of water; ⑤ was sprayed with 70% imidacloprid water dispersible granules 2 grams a pot of water or 10% imidacloprid 10 grams a pot of water plus 2.5% kung fu 20ml-30ml spray.

Third, wheat trematode: can be prevented in two time periods, namely, larva and pupa stage, adult stage. From jointing to booting stage, 2 kg of 5% doxorubi granules or 2 kg of 2.5% methyl isofloxophos granules or 5 kg of 3 kg phoxim granules were used per mu, slightly mixed with 20 kg of wet sand, and then watered. Prevention and control of hedgehog larva and pupa. Wheat 50% Mel 70% heading, 30 grams of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder or 40 ml of 4.5% cypermethrin EC or 50 ml of 40 ml 40% dimethoate EC, plus 80% dichlorvos EC 50 ml, 30 kg water, spray control. In order to ensure the effect, combined with the control of aphids, spray again after 7 days.

4. Wheat armyworm: first, make use of the habit of the armyworm adults to lay eggs on the leaves, insert 60,100 grain straw or rice straw handles per mu, replace them every 5 days, and burn them centrally; second, sweet and sour pots: 6 parts of sugar, 3 parts of vinegar, 1 part of liquor, 10 parts of water, 1 part of 90% trichlorfon, or add appropriate amount of pesticides with pickle water, release during the adult occurrence period; 3. Black light traps and kills adults. Fourth, drug control: ① 2.5% trichlorfon powder or 5% insecticidal powder, time: before the 3rd instar of the larva. Usage: spray, spray 1.5~2.5kg per mu. ② 90% crystal trichlorfon 1000 times solution, 50% malathion EC 1000 times solution, 50% crystal trichlorfon EC 1500 times solution plus 40% dimethoate EC 1500 times solution, time: before the 3rd instar of the larvae. Usage: spray, spray the right liquid 75kg per mu.

Fifth, wheat red spider: first, agricultural control; second, drug control. Agricultural prevention and control: ① fine land preparation. Ploughing in early spring can kill a large number of worms; after wheat harvest, shallow ploughing destroys stubble; after autumn harvest, deep ploughing as early as possible, measures to local conditions, crop rotation, elimination of oversummer eggs and adults, and reduction of insect sources. ② strengthens field management. First, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer to ensure that the seedlings are strong, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and spray new high-fat film at the same time to ensure that there is no de-fertilizing in the later stage and enhance the resistance of wheat to diseases and insect pests. Second, it is necessary to irrigate and weed in time. Third, spraying Zhuangsuiling at booting stage to strengthen the physiological function of wheat and improve the quality of pollination and grain filling. Practice has proved that it is difficult for red spiders to occur in wheat fields with no drought, few weeds and good growth. Drug prevention and treatment method: spraying with 20% Dabaxing wettable powder or 1.8% Zongmike EC plus new high-fat film 800 times per mu.