
Planting method of fingered citron with good shape, good color and strong ornamental property in potted plant

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting method of fingered citron with good shape, good color and strong ornamental property in potted plant

Bergamot, also known as bergamot, is an evergreen shrub, originated in China, India, the Mediterranean coast, is a variety of citron. The fruit is ripe from October to November, shaped like Guanyin fingers, or holding or stretching, in a variety of ways; after maturity, the color is golden and adorable. Bergamot fragrance, refreshing, refreshing, it can be described as "shape, color, fragrance" are all good.

Potted bergamot

Soil selection: bergamot likes loose, fertile and well-drained acid soil, basin soil is made of loose sandy soil and red-yellow soil, mixed with appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer, heavy alkaline soil is disadvantageous to the growth of bergamot. The basin soil is prepared with 60% coarse sand, 20% rotten organic fertilizer and 20% field soil.

Planting: first select good seedlings, require well-developed root system, no diseases and insect pests, uniform branches, sturdy grafted seedlings. The planting period is from September to October in autumn and from late February to early April in spring. Before potting, prune and trim the roots to keep the fibrous roots intact.

Watering: bergamot seedlings on the basin, immediately pour through the root water, after the soil dry watering, keep moist, but to prevent waterlogging, affecting the root growth. Watering is a key link of bergamot. After April-May, the temperature rises, bergamot grows rapidly and water demand increases; hot and hot summer, in addition to keeping the basin soil moist, water should also be sprayed around to maintain a certain environmental humidity; the temperature drops in autumn and the amount of watering decreases slowly; in winter, when the tree enters dormancy, it should be moved into the greenhouse, and the basin soil can maintain a certain degree of moisture to prevent it from getting too wet and too dry, so as to avoid rotting roots or wilting. Bergamot watering should also be treated flexibly according to the specific conditions of seedlings, small trees, weak trees less watering, big trees, strong trees more watering; fruit expansion period, more water; early flowering and fruiting, should not be watered to avoid fruit drop.

Fertilization: combined with watering and topdressing, potted bergamot fertilization can be divided into four stages in a year: first, from the Spring Equinox to Grain in Beard, thin fertilizer should be applied every 7 days, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used as extra-root fertilizer in order to enhance the tree potential. Second, from Grain in Beard to Greater Heat, the full flowering and fruiting period should be fertilized every 5 days, and the fertilizer content can be thicker than before. At this time, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is applied for more flowering and less fruit drop, and artificial pollination can be carried out. Third, Greater Heat to the Autumn Equinox, when the fruit expansion period, more use of potassium, phosphorus and other compound fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise postpone the fruit ripening period. Fourth, White Dew to Frosts Descent, after fruit harvest, apply thin phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, control watering and nitrogen fertilizer, in order to restore tree potential and promote flower bud differentiation. In short, in the initial stage of fruit, it is necessary to control fertilizer and water, fruit expansion period, and increase the application of fertilizer and water.

Pruning: after the bergamot is put on the pot, it begins to grow mainly by vegetative growth, and the terminal bud grows continuously without self-shearing. Therefore, we should pay attention to the heart of the main shoot, promote branching and dwarf the crown. Thinning and cutting the weak branches, combined with the methods of supporting, pulling and hanging, adjust the posture of the tree and beautify the tree potential. After the results, according to the growth and fruiting potential, the buds were wiped in spring and summer, and the top shoots were plucked, flowers and fruits were thinned, so as to promote the balance of shoots and fruits in each stage, and prevent the phenomenon of big and small years.

Cold: bergamot cold resistance is poor, encounter low temperature, will be a large number of fallen leaves, branches freeze-withered, affecting the next year flowering and fruit setting and growth and development. Therefore, after entering the house in winter, bergamot should improve the indoor temperature and humidity and enhance the resistance of the tree.

Pest control: the main diseases of bergamot are coal fouling disease, which is caused by saprophytic fungi, so that the branches and leaves are covered with light black mold, affecting leaf photosynthesis, which can be controlled by 50% carbendazim 800 times solution or carbendazim. The main pests are aphids and shell insects. In May-June and August-September, when aphids harm the young leaves at the top of bergamot branches, spray 50% carbaryl 500 times solution. From June to July, red spiders are easy to harm bergamot leaves in dry and hot weather, which can be sprayed with 1000 times dimethoate.