
Effect of rape lodging on rape yield how to prevent rape lodging after spring

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Effect of rape lodging on rape yield how to prevent rape lodging after spring

Rape lodging reasons: In addition to strong wind, there are improper fertilizer and water management, especially after spring, excessive nitrogen fertilizer, rape moss stem sprouting too fast, thick at the top and thin at the bottom, tender stem, weak anti-lodging ability; high density, field cover, stem is not thick, branching parts are made, the corner layer is concentrated in the upper part of rape, resulting in "top-heavy"; ditch system is not in place, drainage is not smooth, field humidity is high; transplanting is too shallow, there is no soil to block roots, roots are concentrated in the topsoil layer, etc. In case of unfavorable weather, it is easy to fall. In addition, rape late stage, sclerotinia serious, stem drought, but also easier to lodge.

rape lodging

After lodging, rape has great influence on yield. After lodging, the pod under pressure can not get light, or the light is weakened, which affects the accumulation of nutrients; after lodging, the stem is broken, the conducting tissue of rape is destroyed, and the nutrients absorbed by the root system and the nutrients accumulated in the rape body cannot be transported to the pod; after lodging, a part of the "dormant buds" re-grow, form secondary branches, and bloom, but they cannot normally bear horns, consume a lot of nutrients, and are not conducive to the normal growth and development of the pod; After lodging, the ventilation and light transmission in the field are poor, and the relative humidity is increased, which causes the lodging rape to rot, and is conducive to the spread of sclerotium disease; after lodging, the maturity of rape pod is different, harvesting is laborious, and the waste is increased during threshing.

Comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent and mitigate rape lodging.

Scientific bud fertilizer: after the beginning of spring, the application of fertilizer, can make the oil sound strong and not long. Fertilization should be appropriate, generally accounting for about 30% of the total amount of fertilizer. Before bolting, i.e. at the end of February or early March, about 1000 kg decomposed human and animal dung or 7.5~10 kg urea should be applied per mu to prevent excessive bolting fertilizer, growth depression and lodging disease. At the same time, 50kg of 0.2% borax aqueous solution can be sprayed per mu to improve rape yield.

Timely irrigation and drainage: after the beginning of spring, rape bolting and flowering need more water, so irrigation should be timely to ensure the demand for water; after the beginning of spring, it rains, the soil moisture content is high, and the field humidity is large, which often induces rape sclerotiorum. Therefore, after the beginning of spring, clean up the ditch and river in time to ensure that the ditch and river communicate and prevent rain from being stained.

Cultivate soil and loosen roots: after the beginning of spring, seize the favorable opportunity before sealing the row to cultivate and loosen the soil; remove weeds and reduce diseases and insect pests; improve the ground temperature to prevent the attack of cold in late spring; cultivate soil and stabilize roots in time to enhance lodging resistance and accelerate field drainage.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: in rape bolting and early flowering stage, spray 50% carbendazim 150g/mu and 50kg/mu water to control sclerotiorum; spray 8~ 10g/mu metributin and 30kg/mu water to control aphids.

Spraying regulator: spray growth regulator at bolting stage, use 30g 15% paclobutrazol per mu, spray 25~ 30kg water evenly, which can enhance rape stress resistance and prevent late lodging.