
How to plant Brussels sprouts with unique flavor and good nutrition on balcony

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to plant Brussels sprouts with unique flavor and good nutrition on balcony

The balcony is the most idle place for urban families. In order to achieve effective use, we can grow some vegetables, which not only add flavor, but also satisfy the basket at home. Today, the editor introduces the balcony planting method of a new vegetable-Brussels sprouts.

Brussels sprouts

First, select suitable varieties according to local conditions. Potted brassica oleracea var. oleracea is an early and middle mature variety that can be matured in 90-100 days.

(l) early bearing seed: precocious species, harvested about 90 days after planting, vigorous growth in early growth stage, short Internode, plant height 50-60 cm, leaf ball smaller, diameter 2-2.5 cm, more resistant to high temperature, forming leaf ball below 25 ℃.

(2) Oriental Lvsheng: the plant height is below 85cm and harvested 90-100days after planting. The leaf ball is tight and neat. The diameter of leaf bulb is 3-3. 5cm.

2. Methods of raising seedlings:

Sowing and raising seedlings at a suitable temperature in early spring. The soil should be loose and delicate, pour enough water before sowing and cover the seeds with fine soil after sowing. When the seedlings grow 2 true leaves, choose strong seedlings and plant them in suitable containers.

3. Management methods:

(1) temperature, light: Brussels sprouts like cold, frost-resistant, not resistant to high temperature. Autumn with plenty of sunshine during the day and light frost at night is of the best quality. At high temperature, the leaflet bulb is perishable, will crack, and the quality becomes worse. When a slightly higher temperature is required during the leaf growth period, with an average of about 20 ℃, it is the most favorable for growth. When the temperature dropped to 5-6 ℃, the growth of differential leaves was inhibited. Low temperature is required in the heading stage. When the temperature is 10-13 ℃, it is beneficial to the formation and nutrient accumulation of the leaf ball, and the temperature above 23 ℃ is not conducive to the formation of the leaf ball.

(2) Fertilizer and water management: seedlings should be often watered after transplanting to ensure their water needs. Topdressing can be applied 3-4 times during the growth period of cabbage, and topdressing is needed after planting survival, bulb expansion and harvest period. Topdressing can be combined with urea and leaf koji in the root and spraying 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. When the lower lobule begins to form, it should be irrigated regularly to maintain sufficient moisture in the soil.

(3) other management: cabbage should be set up after entering the container, the upper rope should be tied up to prevent lodging, and the diseased leaves should be removed in time to reduce the consumption of water and nutrients. When harvesting, it is harvested one after another from the bottom up, and the ball is tight, and it can be harvested. Harvest should not be too late, otherwise the leaf ball will crack, the texture will become rough and the flavor will be lost.

(4) pain and pest control:

① disease control: the main diseases of cabbage include black rot, root rot, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, downy mildew, soft rot, black spot, Rhizoctonia solani, etc., which need comprehensive control, such as using disease-resistant varieties, sowing at the right time, finding diseased seedlings, pulling out in time, etc., combined with chemical control. Agents are: Dysen zinc 500 times liquid, chlorothalonil 600 times liquid, Bordeaux liquid and other fungicides. In the period of high temperature and humidity, spray should be done every 7-10 days.

② pest control: the main pests are Pieris rapae, Plutella xylostella, APHIS rapae, cabbage armyworm, cabbage borer and so on. Imidacloprid 800x solution, 1000-fold solution and 1000-fold insecticidal solution can be used to control. Special attention should be paid to the prevention and control of aphids, because it is difficult to clean after the aphids invade the globules, which seriously affects the quality and yield of cabbage and spreads virus diseases.