
Pleasant sleep chills appetite waste diarrhea early spring piglets need to prevent paratyphoid fever

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pleasant sleep chills appetite waste diarrhea early spring piglets need to prevent paratyphoid fever

Piglet paratyphoid, also known as salmonella, is mainly caused by cholera and Salmonella typhi, and piglets aged 2-4 months are most susceptible to infection. Early spring season, climate variability, obvious temperature changes, breeding environment a little inappropriate, easy to cause this disease, must be seriously prevented.


Clinical features, acute and chronic.① Acute type, showing symptoms of sepsis. Sudden onset, piglet temperature rose to 41℃ above, loss of appetite, late waste, listlessness, like hiding in the mat grass, chills. Viscous secretions in nose and eyes, constipation at the beginning, diarrhea later, discharge yellowish foul odor and loose feces. 2-3 days after the disease, purple spots appeared on the skin of nose, ears, neck, abdomen and inner limbs. The sick pig lost weight rapidly, bowed his head and stood still, his gait shook, his body temperature dropped, and soon he died of exhaustion.

Chronic type. Chronically ill pigs have a slightly higher or normal body temperature, low spirits, often lying together, appetite, late waste; some like to drink dirty water before death; some have eczema-like changes on their skin. Due to persistent diarrhea, the sick pig became thinner and weaker, its back hair was coarse and lustrous, it walked shakily, and finally died of exhaustion. Chronic disease course is more than half a month, some even as long as 2 months, immortal pig growth stagnation, become stiff pig.

Preventive measures: ① early spring temperature changes greatly, pay attention to keep piglets warm, piglets can be properly exposed to the sun at noon. Keep the pens clean and dry, wash the food trough often, and ferment the feces.② Strengthen feeding management, newborn piglets should eat colostrum early, and feed in advance to prevent eating dirt. When weaning, the environment should not mutate, and the pig herd should be as small as possible. (3) Before and after weaning piglets (more than 1 month old), the attenuated lyophilized vaccine of piglet paratyphoid virus was orally administered.④ After large-scale pig farm disease, sick pigs should be isolated and treated, and pig houses should be thoroughly disinfected. Pigs without disease can be prevented by drugs. 100 grams of aureomycin can be added to each ton of feed.

Treatment methods: ① The first choice of drugs for chloramphenicol, piglet oral dose of 50-100 mg/kg body weight per day, divided into 2-3 times of oral administration; intramuscular injection of 10-30 mg/kg body weight per day, divided into 2-3 times of injection, for 4-5 days, such as serious illness, can be used for 2-3 days. In addition, antibiotics such as oxytetracycline and neomycin can also be used. 2 furazolidone (furazolidone) oral dose of 20-40 mg/kg body weight per day, divided into two oral, continuous 3-5 days, the dose halved, continue to take 3-5 days.③ Compound trimethoprim, 70 mg/kg body weight per day, doubled for the first time, orally divided into 2 times for 3-7 days.④ 5-5 grams of garlic will be crushed into garlic paste for piglets oral administration, 3 times a day, continuous service for 4-6 days.