
The benefit of meat pigeons lies in several skills of raising meat pigeons to gain weight.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The benefit of meat pigeons lies in several skills of raising meat pigeons to gain weight.

Meat pigeon

1. Select improved varieties. Select excellent meat pigeon breeds such as Ju pigeon, Thai Silver King Pigeon, Hong Kong King Pigeon, Shenzhen King Pigeon, Mengdan Pigeon, Helm Pigeon, Canu Pigeon, American White King Pigeon and so on.

2. Build a pigeon house. Pigeon houses are set up in high dry terrain, convenient drainage, quiet environment and few stress factors, so as to avoid wind, rain, sun and moisture, which is conducive to ventilation, daylighting, enemy protection and so on.

3. Reasonable density. It is appropriate to raise meat pigeons in cages with 3 pairs / square meter and flat meat pigeons with 2 pairs / square meters. Too high density is not conducive to the development and breeding of meat pigeons; if the density is too small, it can not make full use of cage space, resulting in a waste of equipment.

4. Ingenious preparation of feed. Ideal formula for meat pigeon feed: Rice 45%, pea 25%, corn 20%, wheat 10% or corn 45%, pea 25%, wheat 15%, sorghum 15%. If possible, add some hemp kernels and mung beans appropriately. Strive to be clean, pollution-free and mildew-free.

5. Feed the material regularly. A meat pigeon needs 45,50g of feed per day, and it is appropriate to leave a little at a time. Too much feed will cause waste and increase the cost of breeding. At the same time, energy feed and protein feed should be properly adjusted according to different growth stages of meat pigeons to meet the needs of growth and development of meat pigeons.

6. Feed health care sand. A meat pigeon needs to eat about 6 grams of health sand every day, which is composed of 30% red mud, 15% shell powder, 10% bone powder, 25% medium sand, 5% gypsum, 5% charcoal, 5% lime and 5% salt.

7. Prevent heatstroke. The pigeon house is protected from sun exposure, ventilated and cool in the house; in the feed, it is equipped with mung beans to clear heat and relieve summer heat, and regularly put herbal medicine for heat-clearing and heat-relieving, such as rhubarb soda tablets, 1 tablet at a time; pigeon nest basin, cushion with appropriate amount, pine needle is better; in hot summer, stop hatching eggs and let pigeons rest.

8. Take a bath at the right time. Keep pigeon body clean, bathe 2 or 3 times a month in spring, choose sunny days with warmer temperatures at noon, and bathe with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution.

9. Do a good job in breeding. For remaining young pigeons, in addition to careful breeding, it is also necessary to appropriately increase light and give more spacious venues to promote their development as soon as possible; after their sexual maturity, they should be timely survival of the fittest, natural or artificial matching, in order to continuously expand the population and enhance production capacity.

10. Strengthen epidemic prevention. The pigeon house should be kept clean and disinfected regularly, and all kinds of utensils should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. During the growth and development period of meat pigeons, in addition to vaccination according to the law, the behavior and demeanor of meat pigeons should be observed, and the inspection and prevention of common and parasitic diseases should be done in time.

11. Be on guard against enemy attacks. Should mainly prevent cats, dogs, rats, snakes and other enemy harm and poisonous harm.

12. Sell in time. The best time for meat pigeons to go on the market is four weeks old (28 days), when the pigeon body shape is beautiful, moderate portions, delicate meat, delicious taste, rich nutrition, very popular. It should be put on the market in time.